Bearing condition diagnosis and prognosis using applied nonlinear dynamical analysis of machine vibration signal S Janjarasjitt, H Ocak, KA Loparo Journal of Sound and Vibration 317 (1-2), 112-126, 2008 | 142 | 2008 |
The short‐term effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on electroencephalography in children with autism: A randomized crossover controlled trial A Amatachaya, MP Jensen, N Patjanasoontorn, N Auvichayapat, ... Behavioural neurology 2015 (1), 928631, 2015 | 133 | 2015 |
The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with neuropathic pain from spinal cord injury N Ngernyam, MP Jensen, P Arayawichanon, N Auvichayapat, S Tiamkao, ... Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (2), 382-390, 2015 | 126 | 2015 |
Nonlinear dynamical analysis of the neonatal EEG time series: the relationship between sleep state and complexity S Janjarasjitt, MS Scher, KA Loparo Clinical neurophysiology 119 (8), 1812-1823, 2008 | 91 | 2008 |
Detection and visualization of tandem repeats in DNA sequences M Buchner, S Janjarasjitt IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 51 (9), 2280-2287, 2003 | 66 | 2003 |
Nonlinear dynamical analysis of the neonatal EEG time series: the relationship between neurodevelopment and complexity S Janjarasjitt, MS Scher, KA Loparo Clinical Neurophysiology 119 (4), 822-836, 2008 | 60 | 2008 |
Epileptic seizure classifications of single-channel scalp EEG data using wavelet-based features and SVM S Janjarasjitt Medical & biological engineering & computing 55 (10), 1743-1761, 2017 | 53 | 2017 |
An approach for characterizing coupling in dynamical systems S Janjarasjitt, KA Loparo Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 237 (19), 2482-2486, 2008 | 26 | 2008 |
Classification of the epileptic EEGs using the wavelet-based scale variance feature S Janjarasjitt Int J Appl Biomed Eng 3 (1), 19-25, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Wavelet-based fractal analysis of the epileptic EEG signal S Janjarasjitt, KA Loparo 2009 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and …, 2009 | 19 | 2009 |
Performance of epileptic single-channel scalp EEG classifications using single wavelet-based features S Janjarasjitt Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine 40 (1), 57-67, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Spectral exponent characteristics of intracranial EEGs for epileptic seizure classification S Janjarasjitt IRBM 36 (1), 33-39, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Examination of Single Wavelet-Based Features of EHG Signals for Preterm Birth Classification. S Janjarasjitt IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 44 (2), 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Scale-invariant behavior of epileptic ECoG S Janjarasjitt, KA Loparo Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 34 (6), 535-541, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Examination of scale-invariant characteristics of epileptic electroencephalograms using wavelet-based analysis S Janjarasjitt, KA Loparo Computers & Electrical Engineering 40 (5), 1766-1773, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Comparison of complexity measures using two complex system analysis methods applied to the epileptic ECoG S Janjarasjitt, KA Loparo Journal of the Korean Physical Society 63, 1659-1665, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
Computational validation of fractal characterization by using the wavelet-based fractal analysis S Janjarasjitt Journal of the Korean Physical Society 64 (6), 780-785, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
Evaluation of performance on preterm birth classification using single wavelet-based features of EHG signals S Janjarasjitt 2017 10th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON), 1-4, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
A new QRS detection and ECG signal extraction technique for fetal monitoring S Janjarasjitt Case Western Reserve University, 2006 | 9 | 2006 |
Temporal variability of the ECoG signal during epileptic seizures S Janjarasjitt, KA Loparo ECTI-CON2010: The 2010 ECTI International Confernce on Electrical …, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |