Nutrient dynamics from the changjiang (Yangtze river) estuary to the East China Sea SM Liu, XH Qi, X Li, HR Ye, Y Wu, JL Ren, J Zhang, WY Xu Journal of Marine Systems 154, 15-27, 2016 | 129 | 2016 |
Iron isotope and trace metal records of iron cycling in the proto‐North Atlantic during the Cenomanian‐Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE‐2) JD Owens, TW Lyons, X Li, KG Macleod, G Gordon, MMM Kuypers, ... Paleoceanography 27 (3), 2012 | 96 | 2012 |
Biomarkers, chemistry and microbiology show chemoautotrophy in a multilayer chemocline in the Cariaco Basin SG Wakeham, C Turich, F Schubotz, A Podlaska, XN Li, R Varela, Y Astor, ... Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 63, 133-156, 2012 | 93 | 2012 |
Transformation of phosphorus pools in an agricultural soil: An application of oxygen‐18 labeling in phosphate SR Joshi, X Li, DP Jaisi Soil Science Society of America Journal 80 (1), 69-78, 2016 | 78 | 2016 |
Controls on iron, manganese and intermediate oxidation state sulfur compounds in the Cariaco Basin D Percy, X Li, GT Taylor, Y Astor, MI Scranton Marine Chemistry 111 (1-2), 47-62, 2008 | 60 | 2008 |
Stable sulfur isotopes in the water column of the Cariaco Basin X Li, WP Gilhooly III, AL Zerkle, TW Lyons, J Farquhar, JP Werne, ... Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (23), 6764-6778, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
Relationship of sulfur speciation to hydrographic conditions and chemoautotrophic production in the Cariaco Basin X Li, GT Taylor, Y Astor, MI Scranton Marine Chemistry 112 (1-2), 53-64, 2008 | 52 | 2008 |
Nutrient dynamics in Jiaozhou Bay SM Liu, XN Li, J Zhang, H Wei, JL Ren, GL Zhang Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus 7 (6), 625-643, 2007 | 36 | 2007 |
Particulate sulfur species in the water column of the Cariaco Basin X Li, GA Cutter, RC Thunell, E Tappa, WP Gilhooly III, TW Lyons, Y Astor, ... Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (1), 148-163, 2011 | 35 | 2011 |
The conundrum between chemoautotrophic production and reductant and oxidant supply: a case study from the Cariaco Basin XN Li, GT Taylor, Y Astor, R Varela, MI Scranton Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 61, 1-10, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Environmental forensic characterization of former rail yard soils located adjacent to the Statue of Liberty in the New York/New Jersey harbor DF Hagmann, MA Kruge, M Cheung, M Mastalerz, JLR Gallego, JP Singh, ... Science of the Total Environment 690, 1019-1034, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Water treatment residual‐coated wood mulch for addressing urban stormwater pollution H Soleimanifar, Y Deng, K Barrett, H Feng, X Li, D Sarkar Water Environment Research 91 (6), 523-535, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
东海赤潮高发区沉积物中叶绿素的分析 李肖娜, 周伟华, 刘素美, 张经 应用生态学报 14 (07), 1102, 2003 | 17 | 2003 |
Mid-chain methoxylated fatty acids within the chemocline of the Cariaco Basin: A chemoautotrophic source? SG Wakeham, C Turich, GT Taylor, A Podlaska, MI Scranton, XN Li, ... Organic geochemistry 41 (5), 498-512, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
东, 黄海沉积物中叶绿素的分析 李肖娜, 刘素美, 吕瑞华, 张经, 邹立 中国海洋大学学报: 自然科学版 34 (4), 603-610, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
Trace Element Accumulation in Two Turtle Species, Malaclemys terrapin and Chelydra serpentina, in New Jersey, USA M Hillenbrand, M Wu, S Braeuer, W Goessler, X Li Biological Trace Element Research, 1-10, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Reconstruction of the early Eocene paleoclimate and paleoenvironment of the southeastern Neo-Tethys Ocean Y Dong, LC Convers, S Jiang, X Li, P Zhu, H Chen, Y Cui Global and Planetary Change 215, 103875, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Response to comment on “The conundrum between chemoautotrophic production and reductant and oxidant supply: A case study from the Cariaco basin” X Li, GT Taylor, Y Astor, R Varela, MI Scranton Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 70, 106-108, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Sulfur speciation in the Cariaco Basin with reference to chemoautotrophic production XN Li, GT Taylor, Y Astor, MI Scranton Mar Chem 112, 53-64, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Biogeoquímica de las zonas subóxica y anóxica en la fosa de cariaco MI Scranton, Y Astor, D Percy, L Xiaona, L Xueju, GT Taylor Gayana (Concepción) 70, 83-86, 2006 | 4 | 2006 |