User modeling in human–computer interaction G Fischer User modeling and user-adapted interaction 11, 65-86, 2001 | 1308 | 2001 |
Transcending the individual human mind—creating shared understanding through collaborative design E Arias, H Eden, G Fischer, A Gorman, E Scharff ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 7 (1), 84-113, 2000 | 771 | 2000 |
Meta-design: a manifesto for end-user development G Fischer, E Giaccardi, Y Ye, AG Sutcliffe, N Mehandjiev Communications of the ACM 47 (9), 33-37, 2004 | 666 | 2004 |
Meta-design: A framework for the future of end-user development G Fischer, E Giaccardi End user development, 427-457, 2006 | 632 | 2006 |
Making argumentation serve design G Fischer, AC Lemke, R McCall, AI Morch Design rationale, 267-293, 2020 | 571 | 2020 |
Lifelong learning—more than training G Fischer Journal of Interactive Learning Research 11 (3), 265-294, 2000 | 559 | 2000 |
Beyond binary choices: Integrating individual and social creativity G Fischer, E Giaccardi, H Eden, M Sugimoto, Y Ye International journal of human-computer studies 63 (4-5), 482-512, 2005 | 556 | 2005 |
Communities of interest: Learning through the interaction of multiple knowledge systems G Fischer Proceedings of the 24th IRIS Conference 1, 1-13, 2001 | 501 | 2001 |
Knowledge management: problems, promises, realities, and challenges G Fischer, J Otswald IEEE Intelligent systems 16 (1), 60-72, 2001 | 489 | 2001 |
Domain-oriented design environments G Fischer Automated software engineering 1, 177-203, 1994 | 404 | 1994 |
Creativity support tools: Report from a US National Science Foundation sponsored workshop B Shneiderman, G Fischer, M Czerwinski, M Resnick, B Myers, L Candy, ... International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 20 (2), 61-77, 2006 | 372 | 2006 |
Socio-technical environments supporting people with cognitive disabilities using public transportation S Carmien, M Dawe, G Fischer, A Gorman, A Kintsch, JF Sullivan Jr ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 12 (2), 233-262, 2005 | 359 | 2005 |
Supporting reuse by delivering task-relevant and personalized information Y Ye, G Fischer Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Software engineering …, 2002 | 358 | 2002 |
End-user development and meta-design: Foundations for cultures of participation G Fischer International Symposium on End User Development, 3-14, 2009 | 333 | 2009 |
Understanding, fostering, and supporting cultures of participation G Fischer interactions 18 (3), 42-53, 2011 | 320 | 2011 |
Symmetry of igorance, social creativity, and meta-design G Fischer Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Creativity & Cognition, 116-123, 1999 | 302 | 1999 |
Social creativity: turning barriers into opportunities for collaborative design G Fischer Proceedings of the eighth conference on Participatory design: Artful …, 2004 | 300 | 2004 |
Embedding critics in design environments G Fischer, K Nakakoji, J Ostwald, G Stahl, T Sumner The knowledge engineering review 8 (4), 285-307, 1993 | 286 | 1993 |
Beyond hype and underestimation: identifying research challenges for the future of MOOCs G Fischer Distance education 35 (2), 149-158, 2014 | 278 | 2014 |
Beyond" couch potatoes": From consumers to designers and active contributors G Fischer First Monday, 2002 | 274 | 2002 |