Design, cultura e sociedade G Bonsiepe Editora Blucher, 2020 | 1091 | 2020 |
Design: do material ao digital G Bonsiepe, C Dutra FIESC/IEL, 1997 | 687 | 1997 |
Del objeto a la interfase: mutaciones del diseño G Bonsiepe Ediciones Infinito, 1999 | 664 | 1999 |
Teoría y práctica del diseño industrial: elementos para una manualística crítica G Bonsiepe, SP i Estrany Gustavo Gili, 1978 | 580 | 1978 |
Design como prática de projeto G Bonsiepe Editora Blucher, 2012 | 299 | 2012 |
El diseño de la periferia: debates y experiencias G Bonsiepe Gustavo Gili, 1985 | 298 | 1985 |
A" tecnologia" da tecnologia G Bonsiepe, D Ribeiro Edgard Blucher, 1983 | 210 | 1983 |
Teoria e prática do design industrial: elementos para um manual crítico G Bonsiepe | 196 | 1992 |
Design and democracy G Bonsiepe Design issues 22 (2), 27-34, 2006 | 167 | 2006 |
The uneasy relationship between design and design research G Bonsiepe Design research now, 25-39, 2007 | 158 | 2007 |
Visual/verbal rhetoric G Bonsiepe Ulm 14 (15–16), 37-42, 1965 | 138 | 1965 |
Las siete columnas del diseño G Bonsiepe Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalcpo, 1993 | 135 | 1993 |
Interface: An approach to design G Bonsiepe Jan van Eyck Akademie, 1999 | 131 | 1999 |
Do material ao digital G Bonsiepe Editora Blucher, 2021 | 113 | 2021 |
Diseño y crisis G Bonsiepe Materia Arquitectura, 26-33, 2012 | 107 | 2012 |
Interface: Design neu begreifen G Bonsiepe Bollmann, 1996 | 106 | 1996 |
Dall'oggetto all'interfaccia: mutazioni del design G Bonsiepe, F Costa Feltrinelli, 1995 | 105 | 1995 |
A method of quantifying order in typographic design G Bonsiepe Visible Language 2 (3), 203-220, 1968 | 102 | 1968 |
Visuell/verbale Rhetorik G Bonsiepe Visual/verbal Rhetoric. ulm: Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Gestaltung 14, 15-16, 1965 | 85 | 1965 |
Interface G Bonsiepe Design neu begreifen. Mannheim: Bollmann, 1996 | 65 | 1996 |