Conflict style differences between individualists and collectivists D Cai, E Fink Communication Monographs 69 (1), 67-87, 2002 | 490 | 2002 |
Loneliness, gender, and parasocial interaction: A uses and gratifications approach Q Wang, EL Fink, DA Cai Communication Quarterly 56 (1), 87-109, 2008 | 244 | 2008 |
Culture in the context of intercultural negotiation: Individualism-collectivism and paths to integrative agreements DA Cai, SR Wilson, LE Drake Human Communication Research 26 (4), 591-617, 2000 | 226 | 2000 |
Toward a theory of conversational constraints: Focusing on individual-level dimensions of culture DA Cai SAGE Publications Ltd, 2010 | 175* | 2010 |
Young people's beliefs about intergenerational communication: An initial cross-cultural comparison A Williams, H Ota, H Giles, HD Pierson, C Gallois, SH Ng, TS Lim, ... Communication Research 24 (4), 370-393, 1997 | 174 | 1997 |
A test of a cultural model of patients' motivation for verbal communication in patient‐doctor interactions MS Kim, RS Klingle, WF Sharkey, HS Park, DH Smith, D Cai Communications Monographs 67 (3), 262-283, 2000 | 126 | 2000 |
Adjusting to cultural differences: The intercultural adaptation model DA Cai, JI Rodriguez Intercultural Communication Studies 6, 31-42, 1997 | 118 | 1997 |
Elderly perceptions of communication with older and younger adults in China: Implications for mental health D Cai, H Giles, K Noels Taylor & Francis Group 26 (1), 32-51, 1998 | 111 | 1998 |
The effect of conflict goals on avoidance strategies: What does not communicating communicate? Q Wang, EL Fink, DA Cai Human Communication Research 38 (2), 222-252, 2012 | 96 | 2012 |
Older adults' trait ratings of three age-groups around the Pacific rim J Harwood, H Giles, RM McCann, D Cai, LP Somera, SH Ng, C Gallois, ... Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 16, 157-171, 2001 | 96 | 2001 |
Cultural influences on the preferred forms of requesting and re‐requesting MS Kim, HC Shin, D Cai Communications Monographs 65 (1), 47-66, 1998 | 96 | 1998 |
Modeling posttraumatic growth among cancer patients: The roles of social support, appraisals, and adaptive coping W Cao, X Qi, DA Cai, X Han Psycho‐oncology 27 (1), 208-215, 2018 | 90 | 2018 |
QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR EL FINK, DA CAI, QI WANG The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Communication: Integrating Theory, Research …, 2006 | 79 | 2006 |
Modeling topic control to detect influence in conversations using nonparametric topic models VA Nguyen, J Boyd-Graber, P Resnik, DA Cai, JE Midberry, Y Wang Machine Learning 95, 381-421, 2014 | 74 | 2014 |
Identity implications of influence goals: A cross‐cultural comparison of interaction goals and facework DA Cai, SR Wilson Communication Studies 51 (4), 307-328, 2000 | 74 | 2000 |
Cultural structuring of the social context of negotiation MJ Gelfand, DA Cai The handbook of negotiation and culture, 238-257, 2004 | 65 | 2004 |
Perceptions of inter-and intra-generational communication in the United States of America and the People's Republic of China: Implications for self-esteem and life satisfaction KA Noels, H Giles, D Cai, L Turay South Pacific Journal of Psychology 10 (1), 120-135, 1999 | 52 | 1999 |
From the other side of the desk: Conversations with international students about teaching in the US MJ Bresnahan, DH Cai Qualitative Research Reports in Communication 1 (4), 2000 | 47 | 2000 |
International Business Negotiations SR Wilson, DA Cai, DM Campbell, WA Donohue Conflict and organizations: Communicative processes, 201, 1995 | 44 | 1995 |
The business of business negotiation: Intercultural perspectives DA Cai, LE Drake Annals of the International Communication Association 21 (1), 153-190, 1998 | 41 | 1998 |