Smart homes as a means to sustainable energy consumption: A study of consumer perceptions AG Paetz, E Dütschke, W Fichtner Journal of consumer policy 35, 23-41, 2012 | 423 | 2012 |
Extended forecast methods for day-ahead electricity spot prices applying artificial neural networks D Keles, J Scelle, F Paraschiv, W Fichtner Applied energy 162, 218-230, 2016 | 347 | 2016 |
Public acceptance and preferences related to renewable energy and grid expansion policy: Empirical insights for Germany V Bertsch, M Hall, C Weinhardt, W Fichtner Energy 114, 465-477, 2016 | 337 | 2016 |
Assessing CO2 emissions of electric vehicles in Germany in 2030 P Jochem, S Babrowski, W Fichtner Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 78, 68-83, 2015 | 327 | 2015 |
Agent-based modelling and simulation of smart electricity grids and markets–a literature review P Ringler, D Keles, W Fichtner Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57, 205-215, 2016 | 258 | 2016 |
A survey on electricity market design: Insights from theory and real-world implementations of capacity remuneration mechanisms A Bublitz, D Keles, F Zimmermann, C Fraunholz, W Fichtner Energy economics 80, 1059-1078, 2019 | 254 | 2019 |
Key challenges and prospects for large wind turbines R McKenna, PO vd Leye, W Fichtner Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53, 1212-1221, 2016 | 226 | 2016 |
Electricity load profiles in Europe: The importance of household segmentation M Hayn, V Bertsch, W Fichtner Energy Research & Social Science 3, 30-45, 2014 | 198 | 2014 |
A high-resolution determination of the technical potential for residential-roof-mounted photovoltaic systems in Germany K Mainzer, K Fath, R McKenna, J Stengel, W Fichtner, F Schultmann Solar Energy 105, 715-731, 2014 | 189 | 2014 |
External costs of electric vehicles P Jochem, C Doll, W Fichtner Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 42, 60-76, 2016 | 173 | 2016 |
Generating electric vehicle load profiles from empirical data of three EV fleets in Southwest Germany J Schäuble, T Kaschub, A Ensslen, P Jochem, W Fichtner Journal of Cleaner Production 150, 253-266, 2017 | 172 | 2017 |
Load shift potential of electric vehicles in Europe S Babrowski, H Heinrichs, P Jochem, W Fichtner journal of power sources 255, 283-293, 2014 | 172 | 2014 |
Assessment of rooftop photovoltaic potentials at the urban level using publicly available geodata and image recognition techniques K Mainzer, S Killinger, R McKenna, W Fichtner Solar Energy 155, 561-573, 2017 | 171 | 2017 |
Solar energy storage in German households: profitability, load changes and flexibility T Kaschub, P Jochem, W Fichtner Energy Policy 98, 520-532, 2016 | 170 | 2016 |
A scenario-based stochastic optimization model for charging scheduling of electric vehicles under uncertainties of vehicle availability and charging demand Z Wang, P Jochem, W Fichtner Journal of Cleaner Production 254, 119886, 2020 | 159 | 2020 |
Renewable energy curtailment: A case study on today's and tomorrow's congestion management H Schermeyer, C Vergara, W Fichtner Energy Policy 112, 427-436, 2018 | 159 | 2018 |
Cost-potential curves for onshore wind energy: A high-resolution analysis for Germany R McKenna, S Hollnaicher, W Fichtner Applied Energy 115, 103-115, 2014 | 159 | 2014 |
Energy efficiency in the German residential sector: A bottom-up building-stock-model-based analysis in the context of energy-political targets R McKenna, E Merkel, D Fehrenbach, S Mehne, W Fichtner Building and Environment 62, 77-88, 2013 | 137 | 2013 |
How to benefit from a common European electricity market design P Ringler, D Keles, W Fichtner Energy Policy 101, 629-643, 2017 | 131 | 2017 |
Battery storage systems: An economic model-based analysis of parallel revenue streams and general implications for industry F Braeuer, J Rominger, R McKenna, W Fichtner Applied Energy 239, 1424-1440, 2019 | 126 | 2019 |