دنبال کردن
Xin Li
Xin Li
ایمیل تأیید شده در utexas.edu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Cell growth rate dictates the onset of glass to fluidlike transition and long time superdiffusion in an evolving cell colony
AN Malmi-Kakkada, X Li, HS Samanta, S Sinha, D Thirumalai
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021025, 2018
Mechanisms and topology determination of complex chemical and biological network systems from first-passage theoretical approach
X Li, AB Kolomeisky
The Journal of chemical physics 139 (14), 2013
Spatially heterogeneous dynamics of cells in a growing tumor spheroid: Comparison between theory and experiments
S Sinha, AN Malmi-Kakkada, X Li, HS Samanta, D Thirumalai
Soft matter 16 (22), 5294-5304, 2020
Actin polymerization and depolymerization coupled to cooperative hydrolysis
X Li, J Kierfeld, R Lipowsky
Physical review letters 103 (4), 048102, 2009
Adhesion strength between cells regulate nonmonotonic growth by a biomechanical feedback mechanism
AN Malmi-Kakkada, S Sinha, X Li, D Thirumalai
Biophysical Journal 121 (19), 3719-3729, 2022
Unveiling the hidden structure of complex stochastic biochemical networks
A Valleriani, X Li, AB Kolomeisky
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (6), 2014
Coupling of actin hydrolysis and polymerization: reduced description with two nucleotide states
X Li, R Lipowsky, J Kierfeld
Europhysics Letters 89 (3), 38010, 2010
Share, but unequally: a plausible mechanism for emergence and maintenance of intratumour heterogeneity
X Li, D Thirumalai
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 (150), 20180820, 2019
Share, but unequally: A mechanism for emergence and maintenance of intratumor heterogeneity
X Li, D Thirumalai
bioRxiv, 288670, 2018
A mathematical model for phenotypic heterogeneity in breast cancer with implications for therapeutic strategies
X Li, D Thirumalai
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 (186), 20210803, 2022
Theoretical analysis of microtubule dynamics at all times
X Li, AB Kolomeisky
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (48), 13777-13784, 2014
Theoretical analysis of microtubules dynamics using a physical–chemical description of hydrolysis
X Li, AB Kolomeisky
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (31), 9217-9223, 2013
Bifurcation of velocity distributions in cooperative transport of filaments by fast and slow motors
X Li, R Lipowsky, J Kierfeld
Biophysical Journal 104 (3), 666-676, 2013
The role of multifilament structures and lateral interactions in dynamics of cytoskeleton proteins and assemblies
X Li, AB Kolomeisky
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (13), 4653-4661, 2015
Mechanical feedback controls the emergence of dynamical memory in growing tissue monolayers
S Sinha, X Li, R Das, D Thirumalai
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (24), 2022
Critical motor number for fractional steps of cytoskeletal filaments in gliding assays
X Li, R Lipowsky, J Kierfeld
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43219, 2012
Cooperation among tumor cell subpopulations leads to intratumor heterogeneity
X Li, D Thirumalai
Biophysical reviews and letters 15 (02), 99-119, 2020
Pathway structure determination in complex stochastic networks with non-exponential dwell times
X Li, AB Kolomeisky, A Valleriani
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (18), 2014
Interplay of driver, mini-driver, and deleterious passenger mutations on cancer progression
X Li, D Thirumalai
bioRxiv, 084392, 2016
A New Theoretical Approach to Analyze Complex Processes in Cytoskeleton Proteins
X Li, AB Kolomeisky
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (11), 2966-2972, 2014
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20