دنبال کردن
Caroline Brunel
Caroline Brunel
CIRAD Researcher
ایمیل تأیید شده در cirad.fr
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Soil-microorganism-mediated invasional meltdown in plants
Z Zhang, Y Liu, C Brunel, M van Kleunen
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (12), 1612-1621, 2020
Towards unraveling macroecological patterns in rhizosphere microbiomes
C Brunel, R Pouteau, W Dawson, M Pester, KS Ramirez, M van Kleunen
Trends in Plant Science 25 (10), 1017-1029, 2020
Salinity-induced changes in the rhizosphere microbiome improve salt tolerance of Hibiscus hamabo
Y Yuan, C Brunel, M van Kleunen, J Li, Z Jin
Plant and Soil 443, 525-537, 2019
Evidence for Elton's diversity–invasibility hypothesis from belowground
Z Zhang, Y Liu, C Brunel, M van Kleunen
Ecology 101 (12), e03187, 2020
Environmental and socioeconomic correlates of extinction risk in endemic species
R Pouteau, C Brunel, W Dawson, F Essl, H Kreft, B Lenzner, C Meyer, ...
Diversity and Distributions 28 (1), 53-64, 2022
Additive or non-additive effect of mixing oak in pine stands on soil properties depends on the tree species in Mediterranean forests
C Brunel, R Gros, F Ziarelli, AMF Da Silva
Science of the Total Environment 590, 676-685, 2017
Enrichment in biodiversity and maturation of the soil food web under conservation agriculture is associated with suppression of rice-parasitic nematodes
AS Masson, ML Vermeire, V Leng, M Simonin, F Tivet, HN Thi, C Brunel, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 331, 107913, 2022
Responses of rhizospheric microbial communities of native and alien plant species to Cuscuta parasitism
C Brunel, Y Beifen, R Pouteau, J Li, M van Kleunen
Microbial ecology 79 (3), 617-630, 2020
Infrared spectroscopy as a useful tool to predict land use depending on Mediterranean contrasted climate conditions: A case study on soils from olive-orchards and forests
N Delcourt, C Rébufa, N Dupuy, N Boukhdoud, C Brunel, J Abadie, ...
Science of the total environment 686, 179-190, 2019
Fire and herbivory drive fungal and bacterial communities through distinct above-and belowground mechanisms
ML Vermeire, J Thoresen, K Lennard, S Vikram, K Kirkman, AM Swemmer, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 147189, 2021
Potential alien ranges of European plants will shrink in the future, but less so for already naturalized than for not yet naturalized species
R Pouteau, I Biurrun, C Brunel, M Chytrý, W Dawson, F Essl, T Fristoe, ...
Diversity and Distributions 27 (11), 2063-2076, 2021
Changes in soil organic matter and microbial communities after fine and coarse residues inputs from Mediterranean tree species
C Brunel, R Gros, TZ Lerch, AMF Da Silva
Applied Soil Ecology 149, 103516, 2020
The impact of the rice production system (irrigated vs lowland) on root-associated microbiome from farmer's fields in western Burkina Faso
M Barro, I Wonni, M Simonin, AI Kassankogno, A Klonowska, L Moulin, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 98 (9), fiac085, 2022
Climate and socio‐economic factors explain differences between observed and expected naturalization patterns of European plants around the world
R Pouteau, W Thuiller, C Hobohm, C Brunel, BJ Conn, W Dawson, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (7), 1514-1531, 2021
Environmental drivers of microbial functioning in mediterranean forest soils
C Brunel, AMF Da Silva, R Gros
Microbial ecology 80 (3), 669-681, 2020
Le Genévrier thurifère, espèce partagée au Nord et au Sud de la Méditerranée
P Chondroyannis, N Boukhdoud, M Bouyssou, C Brunel, V Danneyrolles, ...
Forêt Méditerranéenne 33 (3), 227-240, 2012
Influence of tree residue retention in Mediterranean forest on soil microbial communities responses to frequent warming and drying events
C Brunel, AMF Da Silva, TZ Lerch, R Gros
European Journal of Soil Biology 118, 103541, 2023
Plant-soil feedback as a pathway of invasional meltdown
Z Zhang, Y Liu, C Brunel, M van Kleunen
bioRxiv, 2020.03. 11.987867, 2020
Effet des pratiques sylvicoles sur les propriétés chimiques et microbiologiques des sols forestiers: approche multiscalaire en contexte méditerranéen
C Brunel
Aix-Marseille, 2016
Soil-microbes-mediated invasional meltdown in plants
Z Zhang, Y Liu, C Brunel, M van Kleunen
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مقاله‌ها 1–20