دنبال کردن
Isabell Koinig
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Healthy leadership and workplace health promotion as a pre-requisite for organizational health
I Koinig, S Diehl
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (17), 9260, 2021
Antagonistic framing of sustainability by energy suppliers: Dissecting corporate CSR messages in a cross-cultural comparison
F Weder, I Koinig, D Voci
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 24 (2), 368-390, 2019
Picturing Mental Health on Instagram: Insights from a Quantitative Study Using Different Content Formats
I Koinig
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (3), 2022
Positive or negative effects of technology enhancement for brand placements? Memory of brand placements in 2D, 3D, and 4D movies
R Terlutter, S Diehl, I Koinig, MKJ Waiguny
Media Psychology 19 (4), 505-533, 2016
Are pharmaceutical ads affording consumers a greater say in their health care? The evaluation and self-empowerment effects of different ad appeals in Brazil
I Koinig, S Diehl, B Mueller
International Journal of Advertising 36 (6), 945-974, 2017
On the Influence of Message/Audience Specifics and Message Appeal Type on Message Empowerment: The Austrian Case of COVID-19 Health Risk Messages
I Koinig
Health Communucation, 2021
Pharmaceutical advertising as a source of consumer self-empowerment
I Koinig, I Koinig, FK und Verhalten
Springer Gabler, 2016
“I’m (Not) Offended by Whom I See!” The Role of Culture and Model Ethnicity in Shaping Consumers’ Responses toward Offensive Nudity Advertising in Asia and Western Europe
R Terlutter, S Diehl, I Koinig, K Chan, L Tsang
Journal of Advertising, 2021
The Effect of Science-Related Populism on Vaccination Attitudes and Decisions
S Kohler, I Koinig
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2022
Exploring antecedents of attitudes and skepticism towards pharmaceutical advertising and inter-attitudinal and inter-skepticism consistency on three levels: an international study
I Koinig, S Diehl, B Mueller
International Journal of Advertising, 2018
Media and Change Management: Creating a Path for New Content Formats, Business Models, Consumer Roles, and Business Responsibility
M Karmasin, S Diehl, I Koinig
Springer Nature, 2022
Medienökonomie und Medienmanagement als Integrationsdisziplinen–Vom Objektbereich zur Heuristik?
M Karmasin, S Diehl, I Koinig
Kommunikationswissenschaft als Integrationsdisziplin, 75-93, 2014
New competencies for the future: How changes and trends in media convergence demand new skills from the workforce
S Diehl, M Karmasin, A Leopold, I Koinig
Media and convergence management, 353-376, 2013
Media social responsibility an der Schnittstelle von Media accountability und corporate social responsibility: Ein theoretisches Konzept und eine empirische Untersuchung der …
I Koinig, D Voci, F Weder, M Karmasin
Der Mensch im digitalen Zeitalter: Zum Zusammenhang von Ökonomisierung …, 2019
Employee Representatives and a Good Working Life: Achieving Social and Communicative Sustainability for HRM
I Koinig, F Weder
Sustainability 13 (14), 2021
Risk communication in the age of COVID-19
I Koinig
Risk management, 2021
Health and scientific frames in online communication of Tick-Borne Encephalitis: Antecedents of frame recognition
S Kohler, I Koinig
Media and Communication 8 (2), 413-424, 2020
Forty years of advertising research on health issues: past learnings and future perspectives
I Koinig, S Diegelmann, S Bidmon
International Journal of Advertising 42 (1), 109-118, 2023
Cross-media advertising in times of changing media environments and media consumption patterns
S Diehl, I Koinig, R Scheiber
Media and Change Management: Creating a Path for New Content Formats …, 2022
Gender‐Role Portrayals in Advertising: State of the Art and Cross‐Cultural Differences
I Koinig, S Diehl, R Terlutter
The International encyclopedia of gender, media, and communication, 1-7, 2020
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مقاله‌ها 1–20