مقالههای دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - Benedikt Heuserبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس نیست: ۶
Potential of oxymethylenether-diesel blends for ultra-low emission engines
A Omari, B Heuser, S Pischinger
Fuel 209, 232-237, 2017
تعهدات: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Potential of long-chain oxymethylene ether and oxymethylene ether-diesel blends for ultra-low emission engines
A Omari, B Heuser, S Pischinger, C Rüdinger
Applied energy 239, 1242-1249, 2019
تعهدات: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Tailor-made fuels from biomass: Influence of molecular structures on the exhaust gas emissions of compression ignition engines
B Heuser, M Jakob, F Kremer, S Pischinger, B Kerschgens, H Pitsch
SAE Technical Paper, 2013
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Fuel formulation effects on the soot morphology and diesel particulate filter regeneration in a future optimized high-efficiency combustion system
OP Bhardwaj, B Lüers, B Heuser, B Holderbaum, S Pischinger
International Journal of Engine Research 18 (5-6), 591-605, 2017
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Renewable drop-in fuels as an immediate measure to reduce CO2 emissions of heavy-duty applications
J Yadav, V Betgeri, B Graziano, A Dhongde, B Heuser, M Schönen, ...
Internationaler Motorenkongress 2020, 353-372, 2020
تعهدات: European Commission
Renewable drop-in fuels for heavy-duty transport
K Deppenkemper, J Yadav, N Klein, B Heuser
ATZheavy duty worldwide 15 (3), 48-52, 2022
تعهدات: European Commission
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۶
Cleaner production of cleaner fuels: wind-to-wheel–environmental assessment of CO 2-based oxymethylene ether as a drop-in fuel
S Deutz, D Bongartz, B Heuser, A Kätelhön, LS Langenhorst, A Omari, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (2), 331-343, 2018
تعهدات: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Comparison of light-duty transportation fuels produced from renewable hydrogen and green carbon dioxide
D Bongartz, L Doré, K Eichler, T Grube, B Heuser, LE Hombach, ...
Applied Energy 231, 757-767, 2018
تعهدات: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Influence of fuel properties on fundamental spray characteristics and soot emissions using different tailor-made fuels from biomass
A García, J Monsalve-Serrano, B Heuser, M Jakob, F Kremer, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 108, 243-254, 2016
تعهدات: Government of Spain
Thermal analysis of a light-duty CI engine operating with diesel-gasoline dual-fuel combustion mode
J Martín, R Novella, A García, R Carreño, B Heuser, F Kremer, ...
Energy 115, 1305-1319, 2016
تعهدات: Government of Spain
REDIFUEL: Robust and Efficient processes and technologies for Drop-In renewable FUELs for road transport
B Heuser, A Vorholt, G Prieto, B Graziano, S Schönfeld, M Messagie, ...
Transport Research Arena 2020, 2020
تعهدات: European Commission
Report on efficiency and emission optimization potential by using fuel
B Heuser
تعهدات: European Commission
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