مقالههای دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - Wolfgang Groddبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس نیست: ۱۰
The cerebral control of speech tempo: Opposite relationship between speaking rate and BOLD signal changes at striatal and cerebellar structures
A Riecker, J Kassubek, K Gröschel, W Grodd, H Ackermann
NeuroImage 29 (1), 46-53, 2006
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Cerebral representation of non-verbal emotional perception: fMRI reveals audiovisual integration area between voice-and face-sensitive regions in the superior temporal sulcus
B Kreifelts, T Ethofer, T Shiozawa, W Grodd, D Wildgruber
Neuropsychologia 47 (14), 3059-3066, 2009
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Developing somatosensory projections bypass periventricular brain lesions
M Staudt, C Braun, C Gerloff, M Erb, W Grodd, I Krageloh-Mann
Neurology 67 (3), 522-525, 2006
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Lesion-induced right-hemispheric language and organization of nonverbal functions
K Lidzba, M Staudt, M Wilke, W Grodd, I Krägeloh-Mann
Neuroreport 17 (9), 929-933, 2006
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Functional parcellation using time courses of instantaneous connectivity
ESB van Oort, M Mennes, TN Schröder, VJ Kumar, NIZ Jimenez, W Grodd, ...
Neuroimage 170, 31-40, 2018
تعهدات: US National Institutes of Health, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Cerebrocerebellar circuits for the perceptual cancellation of eye-movement-induced retinal image motion
A Lindner, T Haarmeier, M Erb, W Grodd, P Thier
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18 (11), 1899-1912, 2006
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Successful verbal retrieval in elderly subjects is related to concurrent hippocampal and posterior cingulate activation
R Heun, K Freymann, M Erb, DT Leube, F Jessen, TT Kircher, W Grodd
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 22 (2), 165-172, 2006
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
(Re-) organization of basal ganglia in congenital hemiparesis with ipsilateral cortico-spinal projections
H Juenger, W Grodd, I Krägeloh-Mann, M Staudt
Neuropediatrics 39 (05), 252-258, 2008
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Time-variant analysis of fast-fMRI and dynamic contrast agent MRI sequences as examples of 4-dimensional image analysis
L Leistritz, W Hesse, T Wüstenberg, C Fitzek, JR Reichenbach, H Witte
Methods of information in medicine 45 (06), 643-650, 2006
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Affiliations 7
YL Hegner, Y Lee, W Grodd, C Braun
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۵۲
Regulation of anterior insular cortex activity using real-time fMRI
A Caria, R Veit, R Sitaram, M Lotze, N Weiskopf, W Grodd, N Birbaumer
Neuroimage 35 (3), 1238-1246, 2007
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Audiovisual integration of emotional signals in voice and face: an event-related fMRI study
B Kreifelts, T Ethofer, W Grodd, M Erb, D Wildgruber
Neuroimage 37 (4), 1445-1456, 2007
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Cerebral pathways in processing of affective prosody: a dynamic causal modeling study
T Ethofer, S Anders, M Erb, C Herbert, S Wiethoff, J Kissler, W Grodd, ...
Neuroimage 30 (2), 580-587, 2006
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Many faces of expertise: fusiform face area in chess experts and novices
M Bilalić, R Langner, R Ulrich, W Grodd
Journal of neuroscience 31 (28), 10206-10214, 2011
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Cerebral processing of emotional prosody—influence of acoustic parameters and arousal
S Wiethoff, D Wildgruber, B Kreifelts, H Becker, C Herbert, W Grodd, ...
Neuroimage 39 (2), 885-893, 2008
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Amygdala activation during reading of emotional adjectives—an advantage for pleasant content
C Herbert, T Ethofer, S Anders, M Junghofer, D Wildgruber, W Grodd, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 4 (1), 35-49, 2009
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Hippocampal activation in patients with mild cognitive impairment is necessary for successful memory encoding
TT Kircher, S Weis, K Freymann, M Erb, F Jessen, W Grodd, R Heun, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 78 (8), 812-818, 2007
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Mechanisms and neural basis of object and pattern recognition: a study with chess experts.
M Bilalić, R Langner, M Erb, W Grodd
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 139 (4), 728, 2010
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Differential influences of emotion, task, and novelty on brain regions underlying the processing of speech melody
T Ethofer, B Kreifelts, S Wiethoff, J Wolf, W Grodd, P Vuilleumier, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (7), 1255-1268, 2009
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Impact of voice on emotional judgment of faces: An event‐related fMRI study
T Ethofer, S Anders, M Erb, C Droll, L Royen, R Saur, S Reiterer, W Grodd, ...
Human brain mapping 27 (9), 707-714, 2006
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
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