Identification of genetic variants associated with Huntington's disease progression: a genome-wide association study DJH Moss, AF Pardiñas, D Langbehn, K Lo, BR Leavitt, R Roos, A Durr, ... The Lancet Neurology 16 (9), 701-711, 2017 | 333 | 2017 |
Acute Chagas disease outbreak associated with oral transmission JP Dias, C Bastos, E Araújo, AV Mascarenhas, E Martins Netto, F Grassi, ... Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 41, 296-300, 2008 | 179 | 2008 |
Styrene oxidation by manganese Schiff base complexes in zeolite structures M Silva, C Freire, B De Castro, JL Figueiredo Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 258 (1-2), 327-333, 2006 | 108 | 2006 |
A genetic chronology for the Indian Subcontinent points to heavily sex-biased dispersals M Silva, M Oliveira, D Vieira, A Brandão, T Rito, JB Pereira, RM Fraser, ... BMC evolutionary biology 17, 1-18, 2017 | 103 | 2017 |
Efficient heterogeneous polyoxometalate-hybrid catalysts for the oxidative desulfurization of fuels F Mirante, L Dias, M Silva, SO Ribeiro, MC Corvo, B De Castro, ... Catalysis Communications 104, 1-8, 2018 | 75 | 2018 |
Perceived health status of women with overt and subclinical hypothyroidism P Vigário, P Teixeira, V Reuters, C Almeida, M Maia, M Silva, M Vaisman Medical principles and practice 18 (4), 317-322, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
Synergy between the antinociceptive effects of morphine and NSAIDs HF Miranda, E Silva, G Pinardi Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 82 (5), 331-338, 2004 | 63 | 2004 |
The World Health Organization somatoform disorders schedule. A preliminary report on design and reliability A Janca, JD Burke Jr, M Isaac, KC Burke, JA Costa, E Silva, SW Acuda, ... European Psychiatry 10 (8), 373-378, 1995 | 63 | 1995 |
Proceedings of the 3rd IPLeiria’s International Health Congress: Leiria, Portugal. 6-7 May 2016 CC Tomás, E Oliveira, D Sousa, M Uba-Chupel, G Furtado, C Rocha, ... BMC Health Services Research 16, 111-242, 2016 | 61* | 2016 |
Neuronal NOS inhibitor and conventional antidepressant drugs attenuate stress-induced fos expression in overlapping brain regions M Silva, DC Aguiar, CRA Diniz, FS Guimarães, SRL Joca Cellular and molecular neurobiology 32, 443-453, 2012 | 60 | 2012 |
Encapsulation of copper (II) complexes with pentadentate N3O2 Schiff base ligands derived from acetylacetone in NaX zeolite R Ferreira, M Silva, C Freire, B De Castro, JL Figueiredo Microporous and mesoporous materials 38 (2-3), 391-401, 2000 | 58 | 2000 |
60,000 years of interactions between Central and Eastern Africa documented by major African mitochondrial haplogroup L2 M Silva, F Alshamali, P Silva, C Carrilho, F Mandlate, M Jesus Trovoada, ... Scientific reports 5 (1), 12526, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
The implementation of the Plan Esperanza and response to the imPACT Review T Vidaurre, C Santos, H Gómez, G Sarria, E Amorin, M López, ... The Lancet Oncology 18 (10), e595-e606, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Study of the effect of temperature and gas condensate addition on the viscosity of heavy oils JFP Bassane, CMS Sad, DMC Neto, FD Santos, M Silva, FC Tozzi, ... Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 142, 163-169, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
Óleos essenciais da Amazônia contendo linalol VCDE ARAUJO, GC CORRÊA, JGS MAIA, MLDA SILVA, OR Gottlieb, ... Acta amazonica 1 (3), 45-47, 1971 | 56 | 1971 |
Burnout e engagement em profissionais de saúde do interior-norte de Portugal M Silva, C Queirós, M Cameira, N Vara, A Galvão Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças 16 (3), 286-298, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
Can feeding the broiler breeder improve chick quality and offspring performance? A Chang, J Halley, M Silva Animal Production Science 56 (8), 1254-1262, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Cognitive effects of creatine monohydrate adjunctive therapy in patients with bipolar depression: Results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial RA Toniolo, FBF Fernandes, M Silva, R da Silva Dias, B Lafer Journal of affective disorders 224, 69-75, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Economic outcome of classical biological control: a case study on the Eucalyptus snout beetle, Gonipterus platensis, and the parasitoid Anaphes nitens C Valente, CI Gonçalves, F Monteiro, J Gaspar, M Silva, M Sottomayor, ... Ecological economics 149, 40-47, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Choroid plexus is an additional source of melatonin in the brain T Quintela, I Gonçalves, M Silva, AC Duarte, P Guedes, K Andrade, ... Journal of Pineal Research 65 (4), e12528, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |