دنبال کردن
Tomáš Václavík
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Global impacts of future cropland expansion and intensification on agricultural markets and biodiversity
F Zabel, R Delzeit, JM Schneider, R Seppelt, W Mauser, T Václavík
Nature communications 10 (1), 2844, 2019
Towards systematic analyses of ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies: Main concepts, methods and the road ahead
AF Cord, B Bartkowski, M Beckmann, A Dittrich, K Hermans-Neumann, ...
Ecosystem services 28, 264-272, 2017
Equilibrium or not? Modelling potential distribution of invasive species in different stages of invasion
T Václavík, RK Meentemeyer
Diversity and Distributions 18 (1), 73-83, 2012
Invasive species distribution modeling (iSDM): Are absence data and dispersal constraints needed to predict actual distributions?
T Václavík, RK Meentemeyer
Ecological modelling 220 (23), 3248-3258, 2009
Landscape epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases in natural and human-altered ecosystems
RK Meentemeyer, SE Haas, T Václavík
Annual review of Phytopathology 50 (1), 379-402, 2012
Mapping global land system archetypes
T Václavík, S Lautenbach, T Kuemmerle, R Seppelt
Global Environmental Change 23 (6), 1637-1647, 2013
gl UV: a global UV‐B radiation data set for macroecological studies
M Beckmann, T Václavík, AM Manceur, L Šprtová, H von Wehrden, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (4), 372-383, 2014
Archetype analysis in sustainability research: meanings, motivations, and evidence-based policy making
C Oberlack, D Sietz, EB Bonanomi, A De Bremond, J Dell'Angelo, ...
Ecology and Society 24 (2), 2019
Using social media, machine learning and natural language processing to map multiple recreational beneficiaries
AS Gosal, IR Geijzendorffer, T Václavík, B Poulin, G Ziv
Ecosystem Services 38, 100958, 2019
Identifying trends in land use/land cover changes in the context of post-socialist transformation in central Europe: a case study of the greater Olomouc region, Czech Republic
T Václavík, J Rogan
GIScience & Remote Sensing 46 (1), 54-76, 2009
Integrating ecosystem service bundles and socio-environmental conditions–A national scale analysis from Germany
A Dittrich, R Seppelt, T Václavík, AF Cord
Ecosystem Services 28, 273-282, 2017
Addressing future trade-offs between biodiversity and cropland expansion to improve food security
R Delzeit, F Zabel, C Meyer, T Václavík
Regional Environmental Change 17 (5), 1429–1441, 2017
Accounting for multi‐scale spatial autocorrelation improves performance of invasive species distribution modelling (iSDM)
T Václavík, JA Kupfer, RK Meentemeyer
Journal of Biogeography 39 (1), 42-55, 2012
Assessing ecosystem services for informing land-use decisions: a problem-oriented approach
J Förster, J Barkmann, R Fricke, S Hotes, M Kleyer, S Kobbe, D Kübler, ...
Ecology and Society 20 (3), 2015
Global patterns of agricultural land‐use intensity and vertebrate diversity
L Kehoe, T Kuemmerle, C Meyer, C Levers, T Václavík, H Kreft
Diversity and Distributions 21 (11), 1308-1318, 2015
Archetype analysis in sustainability research: methodological portfolio and analytical frontiers
D Sietz, U Frey, M Roggero, Y Gong, N Magliocca, R Tan, P Janssen, ...
Ecology and Society 24 (3), 2019
Landscape composition, configuration, and trophic interactions shape arthropod communities in rice agroecosystems
C Dominik, R Seppelt, FG Horgan, J Settele, T Václavík
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2018
Modelling species distributions with remote sensing data: bridging disciplinary perspectives.
AF Cord, RK Meentemeyer, PJ Leitão, T Václavík, R Whittaker
Journal of Biogeography 40 (12), 2013
Predicting potential and actual distribution of sudden oak death in Oregon: prioritizing landscape contexts for early detection and eradication of disease outbreaks
T Václavík, A Kanaskie, EM Hansen, JL Ohmann, RK Meentemeyer
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (6), 1026-1035, 2010
Predicting the economic costs and property value losses attributed to sudden oak death damage in California (2010–2020)
K Kovacs, T Václavík, RG Haight, A Pang, NJ Cunniffe, CA Gilligan, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 92 (4), 1292-1302, 2011
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مقاله‌ها 1–20