دنبال کردن
Liyuan Hou (候丽媛)
Liyuan Hou (候丽媛)
ایمیل تأیید شده در usu.edu - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Conversion and Removal Strategies for Microplastics in Wastewater Treatment Plants and Landfills
L Hou, D Kumar, CG Yoo, I Gitsov, ELW Majumder
Chemical Engineering Journal, 126715, 2020
Strong impact of anthropogenic contamination on the co‐occurrence patterns of a riverine microbial community
A Hu, F Ju, L Hou, J Li, X Yang, H Wang, SI Mulla, Q Sun, H Bürgmann, ...
Environmental Microbiology 19 (12), 4993-5009, 2017
Zero-valent iron-based technologies for removal of heavy metal (loid) s and organic pollutants from the aquatic environment: Recent advances and perspectives
Y Wu, CY Guan, N Griswold, L Hou, X Fang, A Hu, Z Hu, CP Yu
Journal of Cleaner Production 277, 123478, 2020
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in a mesoscale subtropical watershed and their application as sewage markers
M Lv, Q Sun, A Hu, L Hou, J Li, X Cai, CP Yu
Journal of Hazardous Materials 280, 696-705, 2014
Potential for and Distribution of Enzymatic Biodegradation of Polystyrene by Environmental Microorganisms
L Hou, EL Majumder
Materials, 503, 2021
Response of bacterial communities to environmental changes in a mesoscale subtropical watershed, Southeast China
A Hu, X Yang, N Chen, L Hou, Y Ma, CP Yu
Science of the total environment 472, 746-756, 2014
Distinct mechanisms underlying the assembly of microeukaryotic generalists and specialists in an anthropogenically impacted river
M Gad, L Hou, J Li, Y Wue, A Rashid, N Cheng, A Hu
Science of the Total Environment, 141434, 2020
Urban ponds as hotspots of antibiotic resistome in the urban environment
L Hou, L Zhang, F Li, S Huang, J Yang, C Ma, D Zhang, CP Yu, A Hu
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020
Horizontal and vertical gene transfer drive sediment antibiotic resistome in an urban lagoon system
H Wang, L Hou, Y Liu, K Liu, L Zhang, FY Huang, L Wang, A Rashid, A Hu, ...
Journal of Environmental Sciences 102, 11-23, 2021
Biogeography of planktonic and benthic archaeal communities in a subtropical eutrophic estuary of China
A Hu, L Hou, CP Yu
Microbial Ecology 70 (2), 322-335, 2015
Network analysis reveals significant joint effects of microplastics and tetracycline on the gut than the gill microbiome of marine medaka
X Liao, P Zhao, L Hou, B Adyari, EG Xu, Q Huang, A Hu
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022
Fecal pollution mediates the dominance of stochastic assembly of antibiotic resistome in an urban lagoon (Yundang lagoon), China
L Hou, H Wang, Q Chen, JQ Su, G Mahmoud, J Li, S Mullaah, CP Yu, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021
Enhanced polyhydroxybutyrate production from acid whey through determination of process and metabolic limiting factors
L Hou, L Jia, HM Morrison, ELW Majumder, K Deepak
Bioresource Technology 342, 125973, 2021
Deciphering the assembly processes of the key ecological assemblages of microbial communities in thirteen full-scale wastewater treatment plants
L Hou, A Hu, S Chen, K Zhang, S Orlić, A Rashid, CP Yu
Microbes and Environments, doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME18107, 2019
Seasonal and spatial variations of prokaryoplankton communities in a salinity-influenced watershed, China
A Hu, H Wang, X Yang, L Hou, J Li, S Li, CP Yu
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (8), fix093, 2017
Modified fruit pericarp as an effective biosorbent for removing azo dye from aqueous solution: study of adsorption properties and mechanisms
J Ma, L Hou, P Li, S Zhang, X Zheng
Environmental Engineering Research 27 (2), 2022
Tracking microeukaryotic footprint in a peri-urban watershed, China through machine-learning apprpaches
M Gad, L Hou, M Cao, B Adyari, L Zhang, D Qin, CP Yu, Q Sun, A Hu
Science of The Total Environment, 2022
Impact of decreasing hydraulic retention times on the specific affinity of methanogens and their community structures in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor process treating low …
L Hou, N Griswold, Z Hu
Science of The Total Environment, 2020
Deterministic and stochastic processes driving the shift in the prokaryotic community composition in wastewater treatment plants of a coastal Chinese city
L Hou, SI Mulla, JP Niño-Garcia, D Ning, A Rashid, A Hu, CP Yu
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103 (21-22), 9155-9168, 2019
Bioremediation potential of Streptomyces sp. MOE6 for toxic metals and oil
MO Elnahas, L Hou, JD Wall, ELW Majumder
Polysaccharides 2, 47-68, 2021
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20