دنبال کردن
Merouane Debbah
Merouane Debbah
KU 6G Center, Khalifa University, Centralesupelec
ایمیل تأیید شده در centralesupelec.fr - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for energy efficiency in wireless communication
C Huang, A Zappone, GC Alexandropoulos, M Debbah, C Yuen
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 18 (8), 4157-4170, 2019
Wireless communications through reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
E Basar, M Di Renzo, J De Rosny, M Debbah, MS Alouini, R Zhang
IEEE access 7, 116753-116773, 2019
A tutorial on UAVs for wireless networks: Applications, challenges, and open problems
M Mozaffari, W Saad, M Bennis, YH Nam, M Debbah
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 21 (3), 2334-2360, 2019
Smart radio environments empowered by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces: How it works, state of research, and the road ahead
M Di Renzo, A Zappone, M Debbah, MS Alouini, C Yuen, J De Rosny, ...
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 38 (11), 2450-2525, 2020
Massive MIMO in the UL/DL of cellular networks: How many antennas do we need?
J Hoydis, S Ten Brink, M Debbah
IEEE Journal on selected Areas in Communications 31 (2), 160-171, 2013
Smart radio environments empowered by reconfigurable AI meta-surfaces: An idea whose time has come
MD Renzo, M Debbah, DT Phan-Huy, A Zappone, MS Alouini, C Yuen, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2019 (1), 1-20, 2019
Living on the edge: The role of proactive caching in 5G wireless networks
E Bastug, M Bennis, M Debbah
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (8), 82-89, 2014
Unmanned aerial vehicle with underlaid device-to-device communications: Performance and tradeoffs
M Mozaffari, W Saad, M Bennis, M Debbah
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (6), 3949-3963, 2016
Holographic MIMO surfaces for 6G wireless networks: Opportunities, challenges, and trends
C Huang, S Hu, GC Alexandropoulos, A Zappone, C Yuen, R Zhang, ...
IEEE wireless communications 27 (5), 118-125, 2020
Coalitional game theory for communication networks
W Saad, Z Han, M Debbah, A Hjorungnes, T Basar
Ieee signal processing magazine 26 (5), 77-97, 2009
Efficient deployment of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles for optimal wireless coverage
M Mozaffari, W Saad, M Bennis, M Debbah
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (8), 1647-1650, 2016
Mobile unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for energy-efficient Internet of Things communications
M Mozaffari, W Saad, M Bennis, M Debbah
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (11), 7574-7589, 2017
Massive MIMO systems with non-ideal hardware: Energy efficiency, estimation, and capacity limits
E Björnson, J Hoydis, M Kountouris, M Debbah
IEEE Transactions on information theory 60 (11), 7112-7139, 2014
Artificial neural networks-based machine learning for wireless networks: A tutorial
M Chen, U Challita, W Saad, C Yin, M Debbah
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (4), 3039-3071, 2019
Ultrareliable and low-latency wireless communication: Tail, risk, and scale
M Bennis, M Debbah, HV Poor
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (10), 1834-1853, 2018
Random matrix methods for wireless communications
R Couillet, M Debbah
Cambridge University Press, 2011
A speculative study on 6G
F Tariq, MRA Khandaker, KK Wong, MA Imran, M Bennis, M Debbah
IEEE Wireless communications 27 (4), 118-125, 2020
Optimal design of energy-efficient multi-user MIMO systems: Is massive MIMO the answer?
E Björnson, L Sanguinetti, J Hoydis, M Debbah
IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 14 (6), 3059-3075, 2015
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces vs. relaying: Differences, similarities, and performance comparison
M Di Renzo, K Ntontin, J Song, FH Danufane, X Qian, F Lazarakis, ...
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 1, 798-807, 2020
Caching in the sky: Proactive deployment of cache-enabled unmanned aerial vehicles for optimized quality-of-experience
M Chen, M Mozaffari, W Saad, C Yin, M Debbah, CS Hong
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (5), 1046-1061, 2017
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20