دنبال کردن
Németh Sarolta
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Whose partnership? Regional participatory arrangements in CBC programming on the Finnish–Russian border
M Fritsch, S Németh, M Piipponen, G Yarovoy
European Planning Studies 23 (12), 2582-2599, 2015
Cross-border shopping at the EU's Eastern edge: the cases of Finnish-Russian and Polish-Ukrainian border regions
M Smętkowski, S Németh, H Eskelinen
Europa Regional 24 (1/2), 50-64, 2017
Cross-Border Cooperation and Interaction between Southeast Finland and its Neighbouring Russian Regions of Leningrad Oblast and St. Petersburg
S Németh, M Fritsch, H Eskelinen, E Nikiforova
Reports and Studies in Social Sciences and Business Studies 7, 2014
The Finnish way of CLLD: place-based or half-hearted implementation?
P Hämäläinen, S Németh
European Planning Studies 30 (5), 879-898, 2022
Research design for studying development in border areas: case studies towards the big picture?
S Németh, Á Németh, V Kaisto
Belgeo. Revue belge de géographie, 2013
Egy „binacionális” városközpont kialakításának kezdeményezéséről a finn–svéd határ mentén
M Fritsch, S Németh
Falu Város Régió 2, 28-34, 2003
Spatial Justice and Cohesion: The Role of Place-Based Action in Community Development
M Fritsch, P Kahila, S Németh, JW Scott
Taylor & Francis, 2024
Impacts of town-twinning on the communities of Imatra and Svetogorsk through different fields of cross-border cooperation
E Mikhailova, S Németh
Twin Cities, 272-287, 2018
The Finnish–Russian border as a developmental resource: The case of Imatra and Svetogorsk
M Fritsch, S Németh, H Eskelinen
Twin Cities, 259-271, 2018
Hatékonyság és demokrácia: helyi kormányzási dilemmák a finn periférián
S Németh, F Matti
Tér és Társadalom 35 (4), 241-259, 2021
Karelia: Hidden issue of international relations or a cross-border region
M Fritsch, I Liikanen, S Németh, M Piipponen
4th European Border Dialogues: Opportunities and Challenges for Border …, 2014
Information society working for inclusiveness: Scales, actors and peripheries
S Németh
Joensuun yliopisto, 2008
Hungary and the information society: getting a grip on territorial impacts
S Németh
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2003
Introduction to the book: The role of place-based action in improving spatial justice and cohesion
M Fritsch, P Kahila, S Németh, JW Scott
Spatial Justice and Cohesion, 1-16, 2023
The RELOCAL case studies approach
S Németh, S Weck
Spatial Justice and Cohesion, 126-141, 2023
The struggle against territorial disadvantage in a peripheral Finnish town: Balancing effectiveness and accountability in local government
M Fritsch, S Németh, P Kahila
Spatial Justice and Cohesion, 229-246, 2023
JSSJ Meets RELOCAL-Mobilizations, Meaning and Uses of the Concept of Spatial Justice in a European Research Project
C Blondel, E Evrard, S Németh, L Noguera
Justice spatiale= Spatial justice, 2019
Finnish-Russian CBC Experiences: From the ‘Karelian Issue’to European Cross-Border Regionalization?
I Liikanen, S Németh
Working Paper, EU Border Regions (January), 2015
EUBORDERREGIONS and the analysis of Cross‑Border Cooperation at the EU’s external frontiers
S Németh, JW Scott
Cross-Border Review. CESCI Yearbook 2015, 51-58, 2015
Territorial Cohesion at the EU’ s External Border? A Finnish-Russian borderlands perspective
J Scott, M Fritsch, H Eskelinen
ERSA conference papers, 2012
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مقاله‌ها 1–20