Numerical solution of phase-change problems C Bonacina, G Comini, A Fasano, M Primicerio International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 16 (10), 1825-1832, 1973 | 869 | 1973 |
General free-boundary problems for the heat equation. I A Fasano, M Primicerio Journal of Mathematical analysis and applications 57, 694-723, 1977 | 233 | 1977 |
Free boundary problems: theory and applications A Fasano, M Primicerio Pitman, 1983 | 195* | 1983 |
Free boundary problems for nonlinear parabolic equations with nonlinear free boundary conditions A Fasano, M Primicerio Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 72 (1), 247-273, 1979 | 156 | 1979 |
New results on some classical parabolic free-boundary problems A Fasano, M Primicerio Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 38 (4), 439-460, 1981 | 112 | 1981 |
On the estimation of thermophysical properties in nonlinear heat-conduction problems C Bonacina, G Cominl, A Fasano, M Primicerio International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 17 (8), 861-867, 1974 | 90 | 1974 |
On a problem in the polymer industry: theoretical and numerical investigation of swelling A Fasano, GH Meyer, M Primicerio SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 17 (4), 945-960, 1986 | 73 | 1986 |
Modelling wax diffusion in crude oils: The cold finger device S Correra, A Fasano, L Fusi, M Primicerio Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (10), 2286-2298, 2007 | 71 | 2007 |
General free-boundary problems for the heat equation, II A Fasano, M Primicerio Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 58 (1), 202-231, 1977 | 71 | 1977 |
Remarks on the one-phase Stefan problem for the heat equation with the flux prescribed on the fixed boundary JR Cannon, M Primicerio Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 35 (2), 361-373, 1971 | 69 | 1971 |
General free-boundary problems for the heat equation, III A Fasano, M Primicerio Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 59 (1), 1-14, 1977 | 65 | 1977 |
A triangle model of criminality JC Nuno, MA Herrero, M Primicerio Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (12), 2926-2936, 2008 | 63 | 2008 |
A two phase Stefan problem with temperature boundary conditions JR Cannon, M Primicerio Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 88 (1), 177-191, 1971 | 61 | 1971 |
Liquid flow in partially saturated porous media A Fasano, M Primicerio IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 23 (4), 503-517, 1979 | 59 | 1979 |
A critical case for the solvability of stefan‐like problems A Fasano, M Primicerio, KP Hadeler Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 (1), 84-96, 1983 | 55 | 1983 |
A two phase Stefan problem with flux boundary conditions JR Cannon, M Primicerio Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 88, 193-205, 1971 | 54 | 1971 |
Some remarks on the regularization of supercooled one-phase Stefan problems in one dimension A Fasano, M Primicerio, SD Howison, JR Ockendon Quarterly of applied mathematics 48 (1), 153-168, 1990 | 52 | 1990 |
A mathematical model of a criminal-prone society JC Sanz Nuño, MÁ Herrero García, M Primicerio Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems 4 (1), 193-207, 2011 | 47 | 2011 |
Equilibrium of two populations subject to chemotaxis A Fasano, A Mancini, M Primicerio Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 14 (04), 503-533, 2004 | 46 | 2004 |
Mushy regions in phase-change problems M Primicerio Applied nonlinear functional analysis, 251-269, 1982 | 46 | 1982 |