دنبال کردن
Markos Vogiatzoglou
Markos Vogiatzoglou
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of the Aegean
ایمیل تأیید شده در eui.eu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing social movements in the European periphery
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Late neoliberalism and its indignados: Contention in austerity Spain
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late Neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: comparing …, 2017
Legacies and Memories in Movements: Justice and Democracy in Southern Europe
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, E Romanos, M Vogiatzoglou
Oxford University Press, 2018
Think globally, act locally?: Symbolic memory and global repertoires in the Tunisian uprising and the Greek anti-austerity mobilizations
V Sergi, M Vogiatzoglou
Understanding European Movements, 220-235, 2013
Late neoliberalism and its discontents: the case of Portugal
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late Neoliberalism and its Discontents in the Economic Crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Neoliberalism and its discontents in Italy: protests without movement?
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Lost in the Ocean of Deregulation? The Greek Labour Movement in a Time of Crisis.
L Kretsos, M Vogiatzoglou
Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations 70 (2), 2015
Turbulent flow: Anti-austerity mobilization in Greece
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Late neoliberalism and its discontents: An introduction
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing …, 2017
‪ Italy and Greece, before and after the crisis: between mobilization and resistance against precarity‪‏
A Mattoni, M Vogiatzoglou
Quaderni 84 (2), 57-71, 2014
Workers’ transnational networks in times of austerity Italy and Greece
M Vogiatzoglou
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 21 (2), 215-228, 2015
" Today we are precarious: tomorrow, we will be unbeatable": early struggles of precarious workers in Italy and Greece
A Mattoni, M Vogiatzoglou
Ashgate, 2014
" Today we are precarious: tomorrow, we will be unbeatable": early struggles of precarious workers in Italy and Greece
A Mattoni, M Vogiatzoglou
Ashgate, 2014
The presence and absence of protest in austerity Ireland
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late Neoliberalism and Its Discontents in the Economic Crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Re-paving the path to hell: Greek trade unions amid crisis and austerity
M Vogiatzoglou
Rough waters: European trade unions in a time of crises, 2017
Late neoliberalism and its discontents: A comparative conclusion
D Della Porta, M Andretta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis: Comparing …, 2017
Die griechische Gewerkschaftsbewegung: Protest- und Sozialbewegungen im Kontext der Austeritätspolitik.
M Vogiatzoglou
WSI-Mitteilungen, 2014
Late neoliberalism and its discontents in the economic crisis
M Andretta, D della Porta, T Fernandes, F O'Connor, E Romanos, ...
Londres, Palgrave, 2017
Trade unions in Greece: Protest and social movements in the context of austerity politics 1
M Vogiatzoglou
Social Movements and Organized Labour, 194-210, 2018
Varieties of precarious workers’ unionism: The case of Greece and Italy
M Vogiatzoglou
The New Social Division: Making and Unmaking Precariousness, 269-286, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20