دنبال کردن
Federico Rossi
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Local climate change and urban heat island mitigation techniques–the state of the art
H Akbari, C Cartalis, D Kolokotsa, A Muscio, AL Pisello, F Rossi, ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 22 (1), 1-16, 2016
Role of cyanobacterial exopolysaccharides in phototrophic biofilms and in complex microbial mats
F Rossi, R De Philippis
Life 5 (2), 1218-1238, 2015
Cyanobacteria inoculation improves soil stability and fertility on different textured soils: gaining insights for applicability in soil restoration
S Chamizo, G Mugnai, F Rossi, G Certini, R De Philippis
Frontiers in Environmental Science 6, 49, 2018
Cyanobacterial inoculation (cyanobacterisation): Perspectives for the development of a standardized multifunctional technology for soil fertilization and desertification reversal
F Rossi, H Li, Y Liu, R De Philippis
Earth-Science Reviews 171, 28-43, 2017
Microbial secreted exopolysaccharides affect the hydrological behavior of induced biological soil crusts in desert sandy soils
G Colica, H Li, F Rossi, D Li, Y Liu, R De Philippis
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, 62-70, 2014
Analysis of retro-reflective surfaces for urban heat island mitigation: A new analytical model
F Rossi, AL Pisello, A Nicolini, M Filipponi, M Palombo
Applied energy 114, 621-631, 2014
Fungal pathogen uses sex pheromone receptor for chemotropic sensing of host plant signals
D Turrà, M El Ghalid, F Rossi, A Di Pietro
Nature 527 (7579), 521-524, 2015
Retroreflective façades for urban heat island mitigation: Experimental investigation and energy evaluations
F Rossi, B Castellani, A Presciutti, E Morini, M Filipponi, A Nicolini, ...
Applied Energy 145, 8-20, 2015
The poor's struggle for political incorporation: The piquetero movement in Argentina
FM Rossi
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Exocellular polysaccharides in microalgae and cyanobacteria: chemical features, role and enzymes and genes involved in their biosynthesis
F Rossi, R De Philippis
The physiology of microalgae, 565-590, 2016
The role of the exopolysaccharides in enhancing hydraulic conductivity of biological soil crusts
F Rossi, RM Potrafka, FG Pichel, R De Philippis
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46, 33-40, 2012
Complex role of the polymeric matrix in biological soil crusts
F Rossi, G Mugnai, R De Philippis
Plant and Soil 429, 19-34, 2018
Progress in urban greenery mitigation science–assessment methodologies advanced technologies and impact on cities
M Santamouris, G Ban-Weiss, P Osmond, R Paolini, A Synnefa, C Cartalis, ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 24 (8), 638-671, 2018
Investigation on a novel reactor for gas hydrate production
F Rossi, M Filipponi, B Castellani
Applied energy 99, 167-172, 2012
Comparison of hydrogen hydrates with existing hydrogen storage technologies: Energetic and economic evaluations
P Di Profio, S Arca, F Rossi, M Filipponi
International journal of hydrogen energy 34 (22), 9173-9180, 2009
Production and characterization of extracellular carbohydrate polymer from Cyanothece sp. CCY 0110
R Mota, R Guimarães, Z Büttel, F Rossi, G Colica, CJ Silva, C Santos, ...
Carbohydrate Polymers 92 (2), 1408-1415, 2013
Reshaping the political arena in Latin America: From resisting neoliberalism to the second incorporation
E Silva, F Rossi
University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018
Experimental evaluation of urban heat island mitigation potential of retro-reflective pavement in urban canyons
F Rossi, B Castellani, A Presciutti, E Morini, E Anderini, M Filipponi, ...
Energy and Buildings 126, 340-352, 2016
Albedo control as an effective strategy to tackle Global Warming: A case study
F Cotana, F Rossi, M Filipponi, V Coccia, AL Pisello, E Bonamente, ...
Applied Energy 130, 641-647, 2014
Evaluation of albedo enhancement to mitigate impacts of urban heat island in Rome (Italy) using WRF meteorological model
E Morini, AG Touchaei, F Rossi, F Cotana, H Akbari
Urban Climate 24, 551-566, 2018
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مقاله‌ها 1–20