Maden yataklarının değerlendirilmesinde jeoistatistiksel yöntemler A Tercan, CEM Saraç TMMOB Jeoloji Müh. Odası, 1998 | 80 | 1998 |
Seam modeling and resource estimation in the coalfields of western Anatolia AE Tercan, B Ünver, MA Hindistan, G Ertunç, F Atalay, S Ünal, Y Kıllıoğlu International Journal of Coal Geology 112, 94-106, 2013 | 59 | 2013 |
Geostatistical evaluation of dimension-stone quarries AE Tercan, Y Özçelik Engineering Geology 58 (1), 25-33, 2000 | 54 | 2000 |
Importance of orthogonalization algorithm in modeling conditional distributions by orthogonal transformed indicator methods AE Tercan Mathematical Geology 31, 155-173, 1999 | 54 | 1999 |
The effects of land use changes on some soil properties in Indai Mountain Pass-Çankiri, Turkey M Basaran, G Erpul, AE Tercan, MR Canga Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 136 (1-3), 101, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
Multivariate geostatistical simulation of coal quality data by independent components AE Tercan, B Sohrabian International Journal of Coal Geology 112, 53-66, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |
Spatial estimation of some mechanical properties of rocks by fuzzy modelling B Tutmez, AE Tercan Computers and Geotechnics 34 (1), 10-18, 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
Estimation of lignite reserve in the Kalburcayiri field, Kangal basin, Sivas, Turkey AE Tercan, AI Karayigit International Journal of Coal Geology 47 (2), 91-100, 2001 | 46 | 2001 |
Fuzzy modeling for reserve estimation based on spatial variability B Tutmez, AE Tercan, U Kaymak Mathematical Geology 39, 87-111, 2007 | 41 | 2007 |
Coal resource estimation using Gaussian copula F Atalay, AE Tercan International Journal of Coal Geology 175, 1-9, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Optimally locating additional drill holes in three dimensions using grade and simulated annealing SS Mohammadi, A Hezarkhani, A Erhan Tercan Journal of the Geological Society of India 80, 700-706, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Geostatistical coal quality control in longwall mining MA Hindistan, AE Tercan, B Ünver International journal of coal geology 81 (3), 139-150, 2010 | 34 | 2010 |
Lignite resource estimations and seam modeling of Thar Field, Pakistan FI Siddiqui, AG Pathan, B Ünver, AE Tercan, MA Hindistan, G Ertunç, ... International Journal of Coal Geology 140, 84-96, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Geostatistical estimation of coal quality variables by using covariance matching constrained kriging G Ertunç, AE Tercan, MA Hindistan, B Ünver, S Ünal, F Atalay, ... International journal of coal geology 112, 14-25, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
A Study of nozzle angle in stone surface treatment with water jets Y Ozcelik, AE Tercan, E Yilmazkaya, R Ciccu, G Costa Construction and Building Materials 25 (11), 4271-4278, 2011 | 26 | 2011 |
Use of genetic algorithm in optimally locating additional drill holes S Soltani, A Hezarkhani, A Erhan Tercan, B Karimi Journal of Mining Science 47, 62-72, 2011 | 26 | 2011 |
Grade and reserve estimation of the Tulovasi borate deposit by block kriging C Saraç, AE Tercan International Geology Review 38 (9), 832-837, 1996 | 20 | 1996 |
Bulanık modelleme yaklaşımının tenör kestiriminde kullanılması B Tütmez, AE TERCAN Madencilik Dergisi 45 (2), 39-47, 2006 | 19 | 2006 |
Canonical ridge correlation of mechanical and engineering index properties AE Tercan, Y Ozcelik International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43 (1), 58-65, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |