دنبال کردن
Carlos  De Marqui Junior
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
On the energy harvesting potential of piezoaeroelastic systems
A Erturk, WGR Vieira, C De Marqui, DJ Inman
Applied physics letters 96 (18), 2010
An electromechanical finite element model for piezoelectric energy harvester plates
CDM Junior, A Erturk, DJ Inman
Journal of Sound and Vibration 327 (1-2), 9-25, 2009
Piezoaeroelastic modeling and analysis of a generator wing with continuous and segmented electrodes
C De Marqui Jr, A Erturk, DJ Inman
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 21 (10), 983-993, 2010
Enhanced aeroelastic energy harvesting by exploiting combined nonlinearities: theory andexperiment
VC Sousa, M De M Anicézio, C De Marqui Jr, A Erturk
Smart Materials and structures 20 (9), 094007, 2011
Modeling and analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting from aeroelastic vibrations using the doublet-lattice method
C De Marqui Jr, WGR Vieira, A Erturk, DJ Inman
Hybrid piezoelectric-inductive flow energy harvesting and dimensionless electroaeroelastic analysis for scaling
JAC Dias, C De Marqui, A Erturk
Applied Physics Letters 102 (4), 2013
Electroaeroelastic analysis of airfoil-based wind energy harvesting using piezoelectric transduction and electromagnetic induction
C De Marqui Jr, A Erturk
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 24 (7), 846-854, 2013
Tunable metamaterial beam with shape memory alloy resonators: Theory and experiment
V Candido de Sousa, D Tan, C De Marqui, A Erturk
Applied Physics Letters 113 (14), 2018
An experimentally validated piezoelectric nonlinear energy sink for wideband vibration attenuation
TMP Silva, MA Clementino, C De Marqui Jr, A Erturk
Journal of Sound and Vibration 437, 68-78, 2018
Three-degree-of-freedom hybrid piezoelectric-inductive aeroelastic energy harvester exploiting a control surface
JAC Dias, C De Marqui Jr, A Erturk
AIAA journal 53 (2), 394-404, 2015
Modeling and Analysis of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester with Varying Cross‐Sectional Area
M Rosa, C De Marqui Junior
Shock and Vibration 2014 (1), 930503, 2014
Adaptive locally resonant metamaterials leveraging shape memory alloys
V Candido de Sousa, C Sugino, C De Marqui Junior, A Erturk
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (6), 2018
Macro-fiber composite actuators for flow control of a variable camber airfoil
O Bilgen, C De Marqui jr, KB Kochersberger, DJ Inman
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22 (1), 81-91, 2011
Bandgap widening by optimized disorder in one-dimensional locally resonant piezoelectric metamaterials
RL Thomes, JA Mosquera-Sánchez, C De Marqui Jr
Journal of Sound and Vibration 512, 116369, 2021
Space–time wave localization in electromechanical metamaterial beams with programmable defects
RL Thomes, D Beli, CDM Junior
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 167, 108550, 2022
Airfoil-based piezoelectric energy harvesting by exploiting the pseudoelastic hysteresis of shape memory alloy springs
VC De Sousa, CDM Junior
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (12), 125014, 2015
On the electrode segmentation for piezoelectric energy harvesting from nonlinear limit cycle oscillations in axial flow
C De Marqui Jr, D Tan, A Erturk
Journal of Fluids and Structures 82, 492-504, 2018
Effect of pseudoelastic hysteresis of shape memory alloy springs on the aeroelastic behavior of a typical airfoil section
V Candido de Sousa, C de Marqui Junior
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27 (1), 117-133, 2016
An experimental study of a piezoelectric metastructure with adaptive resonant shunt circuits
TMP Silva, MA Clementino, VC de Sousa, C De Marqui
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 25 (2), 1076-1083, 2020
Equivalent electrical circuit framework for nonlinear and high quality factor piezoelectric structures
TMP Silva, MA Clementino, A Erturk, C De Marqui Jr
Mechatronics 54, 133-143, 2018
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20