دنبال کردن
María L. Jalón
María L. Jalón
Postdoctoral Research Fellow. University of Granada. Spain
ایمیل تأیید شده در ugr.es
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Structural digital twin framework: Formulation and technology integration
M Chiachío, M Megía, J Chiachío, J Fernandez, ML Jalón
Automation in Construction 140, 104333, 2022
A Markov chains prognostics framework for complex degradation processes
J Chiachío, ML Jalón, M Chiachío, A Kolios
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 195, 106621, 2020
Probabilistic identification of surface recession patterns in heritage buildings based on digital photogrammetry
ML Jalón, J Chiachío, LM Gil-Martín, E Hernández-Montes
Journal of building engineering 34, 101922, 2021
Optimization at different time scales for the design and management of an oscillating water column system
ML Jalón, A Baquerizo, MA Losada
Energy 95, 110-123, 2016
A preliminary parametric techno-economic study of offshore wind floater concepts
A Ioannou, Y Liang, ML Jalón, FP Brennan
Ocean Engineering 197, 106937, 2020
Hydrodynamic efficiency versus structural longevity of a fixed OWC wave energy converter
ML Jalón, F Brennan
Ocean Engineering 206, 107260, 2020
An analytical model for oblique wave interaction with a partially reflective harbor structure
ML Jalón, A Lira-Loarca, A Baquerizo, MÁ Losada
Coastal Engineering 143, 38-49, 2019
Determination of discharge coefficient of stepped morning glory spillway using a hybrid data-driven method
M Haghbin, A Sharafati, R Aghamajidi, SBHS Asadollah, MHM Noghani, ...
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 85, 102161, 2022
Bayesian assessment of surface recession patterns in brick buildings with critical factors identification
E Menéndez, LMG Martín, Y Salem, L Jalón, E Hernández-Montes, ...
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, 2022
A quantitative group decision-making methodology for structural eco-materials selection based on qualitative sustainability attributes
M Al Shdifat, ML Jalón, E Puertas, J Chiachío
Applied Sciences 13 (22), 12310, 2023
Bayesian structural parameter identification from ambient vibration in cultural heritage buildings: The case of the San Jerónimo monastery in Granada, Spain
E Hernández-Montes, ML Jalón, R Rodríguez-Romero, J Chiachío, ...
Engineering Structures 284, 115924, 2023
Diseño óptimo de un sistema de aprovechamiento de la energía del oleaje y gestión integral a diferentes escalas de tiempo
ML Jalón Ramírez
Universidad de Granada, 2016
Yield displacement charts for performance-based seismic design
E Hernández-Montes, ML Jalón, J Chiachío, LM Gil-Martín
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 21 (1), 237-255, 2023
Non-stationary stochastic optimization of an oscillating water column
ML Jalon, FP Brennan
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2017
Updating structural FE models of cultural heritage assets based on probabilistic tools
ML Jalón, J Chiachío, LM Gil-Martín, M Chiachío, R Rodríguez, V Compán, ...
31st annual European Safety and Reliability conference – ESREL 2021-, 2021
Yield Displacement Charts for performance-based seismic design
EH Montes, ML Jalón, J Chiachio, LM Gil-Martín
Estadística Aplicada para Ingenieros en MATLAB
ML Jalón Ramírez
Solving Inverse Problems by Approximate Bayesian Computation
M Chiachıo-Ruano, J Chiachıo-Ruano, ML Jalón
Optimization of OWC power efficiency and structural integrity
ML Jalón, F Brennan
3rd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2018, 539-544, 2019
Influence of the Maximum Wave Power Extraction on the Structural Response of OWC Wave Energy Converters
ML Jalón, F Brennan
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 51319 …, 2018
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20