A new method for measuring deformation on volcanoes and other natural terrains using InSAR persistent scatterers A Hooper, H Zebker, P Segall, B Kampes Geophysical research letters 31 (23), 2004 | 2169 | 2004 |
A multi‐temporal InSAR method incorporating both persistent scatterer and small baseline approaches A Hooper Geophysical research letters 35 (16), 2008 | 1432 | 2008 |
Persistent scatterer interferometric synthetic aperture radar for crustal deformation analysis, with application to Volcán Alcedo, Galápagos A Hooper, P Segall, H Zebker Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B7), 2007 | 1432 | 2007 |
Recent advances in SAR interferometry time series analysis for measuring crustal deformation A Hooper, D Bekaert, K Spaans, M Arıkan Tectonophysics 514, 1-13, 2012 | 1003 | 2012 |
Segmented lateral dyke growth in a rifting event at Bárðarbunga volcanic system, Iceland F Sigmundsson, A Hooper, S Hreinsdóttir, KS Vogfjörd, BG Ófeigsson, ... Nature 517 (7533), 191-195, 2015 | 560 | 2015 |
Phase unwrapping in three dimensions with application to InSAR time series A Hooper, HA Zebker Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24 (9), 2737-2747, 2007 | 530 | 2007 |
Intrusion triggering of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull explosive eruption F Sigmundsson, S Hreinsdóttir, A Hooper, T Arnadóttir, R Pedersen, ... Nature 468 (7322), 426-430, 2010 | 461 | 2010 |
Statistical comparison of InSAR tropospheric correction techniques DPS Bekaert, RJ Walters, TJ Wright, AJ Hooper, DJ Parker Remote Sensing of Environment 170, 40-47, 2015 | 447 | 2015 |
Persistent scatter radar interferometry for crustal deformation studies and modeling of volcanic deformation AJ Hooper Stanford University, 2006 | 385 | 2006 |
Inversion of surface deformation data for rapid estimates of source parameters and uncertainties: A Bayesian approach M Bagnardi, A Hooper Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (7), 2194-2211, 2018 | 349 | 2018 |
LiCSBAS: An open-source InSAR time series analysis package integrated with the LiCSAR automated Sentinel-1 InSAR processor Y Morishita, M Lazecky, TJ Wright, JR Weiss, JR Elliott, A Hooper Remote Sensing 12 (3), 424, 2020 | 316 | 2020 |
A spatially variable power law tropospheric correction technique for InSAR data DPS Bekaert, A Hooper, TJ Wright Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (2), 1345-1356, 2015 | 288 | 2015 |
Gradual caldera collapse at Bárdarbunga volcano, Iceland, regulated by lateral magma outflow MT Gudmundsson, K Jónsdóttir, A Hooper, EP Holohan, SA Halldórsson, ... Science 353 (6296), aaf8988, 2016 | 287 | 2016 |
LiCSAR: An automatic InSAR tool for measuring and monitoring tectonic and volcanic activity M Lazecký, K Spaans, PJ González, Y Maghsoudi, Y Morishita, F Albino, ... Remote Sensing 12 (15), 2430, 2020 | 224 | 2020 |
Measuring urban subsidence in the Rome metropolitan area (Italy) with Sentinel-1 SNAP-StaMPS persistent scatterer interferometry JM Delgado Blasco, M Foumelis, C Stewart, A Hooper Remote Sensing 11 (2), 129, 2019 | 208 | 2019 |
High‐resolution surface velocities and strain for Anatolia from Sentinel‐1 InSAR and GNSS data JR Weiss, RJ Walters, Y Morishita, TJ Wright, M Lazecky, H Wang, ... Geophysical Research Letters 47 (17), e2020GL087376, 2020 | 204 | 2020 |
Persistent Scatterer InSAR: A comparison of methodologies based on a model of temporal deformation vs. spatial correlation selection criteria JJ Sousa, AJ Hooper, RF Hanssen, LC Bastos, AM Ruiz Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (10), 2652-2663, 2011 | 169 | 2011 |
Surface deformation induced by water influx in the abandoned coal mines in Limburg, The Netherlands observed by satellite radar interferometry MC Cuenca, AJ Hooper, RF Hanssen Journal of Applied Geophysics 88, 1-11, 2013 | 159 | 2013 |
Volcanology: Lessons learned from synthetic aperture radar imagery V Pinel, MP Poland, A Hooper Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 289, 81-113, 2014 | 157 | 2014 |
High‐resolution digital elevation model from tri‐stereo Pleiades‐1 satellite imagery for lava flow volume estimates at Fogo Volcano M Bagnardi, PJ González, A Hooper Geophysical Research Letters 43 (12), 6267-6275, 2016 | 154 | 2016 |