دنبال کردن
Bryan Husted
Bryan Husted
Tecnológico de Monterrey
ایمیل تأیید شده در tec.mx
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Wealth, culture, and corruption
BW Husted
Journal of International Business Studies 30 (2), 339-359, 1999
Corporate social responsibility in the multinational enterprise: Strategic and institutional approaches
BW Husted, DB Allen
Journal of International Business Studies 37 (6), 838-849, 2006
Unfolding stakeholder thinking
J Andriof, S Waddock, B Husted, SS Rahman
Unfolding stakeholder thinking, 2002
Taking Friedman seriously: Maximizing profits and social performance
BW Husted, J de Jesus Salazar
Journal of Management Studies 43 (1), 75-91, 2006
Strategic corporate social responsibility and value creation among large firms: lessons from the Spanish experience
BW Husted, DB Allen
Long Range Planning 40 (6), 594-610, 2007
Board structure and environmental, social, and governance disclosure in Latin America
BW Husted, JM de Sousa-Filho
Journal of Business Research 102, 220-227, 2019
The impact of national culture on software piracy
BW Husted
Journal of Business Ethics 26 (3), 197-211, 2000
Governance choices for corporate social responsibility: to contribute, collaborate or internalize?
BW Husted
Long Range Planning 36 (5), 481-498, 2003
Is it ethical to use ethics as strategy?
BW Husted, DB Allen
Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1), 21-31, 2000
A contingency theory of corporate social performance
BW Husted
Business & society 39 (1), 24-48, 2000
Risk management, real options, corporate social responsibility
BW Husted
Journal of business ethics 60, 175-183, 2005
Beyond good intentions: Designing CSR initiatives for greater social impact
ML Barnett, I Henriques, BW Husted
Journal of Management 46 (6), 937-964, 2020
Culture and ecology: A cross-national study of the determinants of environmental sustainability
BW Husted
MIR: Management International Review 45 (3), 349-371, 2005
Implementing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals in International Business
I Montiel, A Cuervo-Cazurra, J Park, R Antolin-Lopez, BW Husted
Journal of International Business Studies 52 (5), 999-1030, 2021
Using private management standard certification to reduce information asymmetries in corrupt environments
I Montiel, BW Husted, P Christmann
Strategic Management Journal 33 (9), 1103-1113, 2012
Corporate social strategy in multinational enterprises: Antecedents and value creation
BW Husted, DB Allen
Journal of Business Ethics 74, 345-361, 2007
Toward a model of cross-cultural business ethics: The impact of individualism and collectivism on the ethical decision-making process
BW Husted, DB Allen
Journal of Business Ethics 82, 293-305, 2008
The impact of sustainability governance, country stakeholder orientation, and country risk on environmental, social, and governance performance
BW Husted, JM de Sousa-Filho
Journal of Cleaner Production 155, 93-102, 2017
Near and dear? The role of location in CSR engagement
BW Husted, D Jamali, W Saffar
Strategic Management Journal 37 (10), 2050-2070, 2016
Honor among thieves: A transaction-cost interpretation of corruption in third world countries
BW Husted
Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (1), 17-27, 1994
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مقاله‌ها 1–20