دنبال کردن
Associate Professor in Department of Biology, Copenhagen University
ایمیل تأیید شده در bio.ku.dk - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
From individual cell motility to collective behaviors: insights from a prokaryote, Myxococcus xanthus
Y Zhang, A Ducret, J Shaevitz, T Mignot
FEMS microbiology reviews 36 (1), 149-164, 2012
Novel (p)ppGpp Binding and Metabolizing Proteins of Escherichia coli
Y Zhang, E Zborníková, D Rejman, K Gerdes
mBio 9 (2), e02188-17, 2018
Binding of cyclic di-AMP to the Staphylococcus aureus sensor kinase KdpD occurs via the universal stress protein domain and downregulates the expression of the Kdp potassium …
JA Moscoso, H Schramke, Y Zhang, T Tosi, A Dehbi, K Jung, A Gründling
Journal of bacteriology 198 (1), 98-110, 2016
A bacterial Ras-like small GTP-binding protein and its cognate GAP establish a dynamic spatial polarity axis to control directed motility
Y Zhang, M Franco, A Ducret, T Mignot
PLoS biology 8 (7), e1000430, 2010
A Dynamic Response Regulator Protein Modulates G-Protein–Dependent Polarity in the Bacterium Myxococcus xanthus
Y Zhang, M Guzzo, A Ducret, YZ Li, T Mignot
Public Library of Science 8 (8), e1002872, 2012
Complex structure and biochemical characterization of the Staphylococcus aureus cyclic diadenylate monophosphate (c-di-AMP)-binding protein PstA, the founding member of a new …
I Campeotto, Y Zhang, MG Mladenov, PS Freemont, A Gründling
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (5), 2888-2901, 2015
A gated relaxation oscillator mediated by FrzX controls morphogenetic movements in Myxococcus xanthus
M Guzzo, SM Murray, E Martineau, S Lhospice, G Baronian, L My, ...
Nature microbiology 3 (8), 948-959, 2018
(p) ppGpp regulates a bacterial nucleosidase by an allosteric two-domain switch
YE Zhang, RL Bærentsen, T Fuhrer, U Sauer, K Gerdes, DE Brodersen
Molecular cell 74 (6), 1239-1249. e4, 2019
Transcription of the alginate operon in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is regulated by c-di-GMP
Z Liang, M Rybtke, KN Kragh, O Johnson, M Schicketanz, YE Zhang, ...
Microbiology Spectrum 10 (4), e00675-22, 2022
Evolutionary adaptation of the essential tRNA methyltransferase TrmD to the signaling molecule 3′, 5′-cAMP in bacteria
Y Zhang, R Agrebi, LE Bellows, JF Collet, V Kaever, A Gründling
Journal of Biological Chemistry 292 (1), 313-327, 2017
Seawater-Regulated Genes for Two-Component Systems and Outer Membrane Proteins in Myxococcus
H Pan, H Liu, T Liu, C Li, Z Li, K Cai, C Zhang, Y Zhang, W Hu, Z Wu, Y Li
Journal of bacteriology 191 (7), 2102-2111, 2009
New Locus Important for Myxococcus Social Motility and Development
C Zhang, K Cai, H Liu, Y Zhang, H Pan, B Wang, Z Wu, W Hu, Y Li
Journal of bacteriology 189 (21), 7937-7941, 2007
Evolution of the bacterial nucleosidase PpnN and its relation to the stringent response
RL Bærentsen, DE Brodersen, YE Zhang
Microbial Cell 6 (9), 450, 2019
Ribose 5-phosphate: the key metabolite bridging the metabolisms of nucleotides and amino acids during stringent response in Escherichia coli?
PK Grucela, T Fuhrer, U Sauer, Y Chao, YE Zhang
Microbial Cell 10 (7), 141, 2023
(p) ppGpp-dependent regulation of the nucleotide hydrolase PpnN confers complement resistance in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium
NYE Chau, D Pérez-Morales, W Elhenawy, VH Bustamante, YE Zhang, ...
Infection and Immunity 89 (2), 10.1128/iai. 00639-20, 2021
Cyclic AMP competitively inhibits periplasmic phosphotases to coordinate nutritional growth and competence of Haemophilus influenzae.
K Kronborg, YE Zhang
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2023
Identifying the binding proteins of small ligands with the differential radial capillary action of ligand assay (DRaCALA)
ML Schicketanz, P Długosz, YE Zhang
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), e62331, 2021
Structural variations between small alarmone hydrolase dimers support different modes of regulation of the stringent response
F Bisiak, A Chrenková, SD Zhang, JN Pedersen, DE Otzen, YE Zhang, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (7), 2022
Basal level of ppGpp coordinates Escherichia coli cell heterogeneity and ampicillin resistance and persistence
PK Grucela, YE Zhang
Microbial Cell., 2023
Direct detection of stringent alarmones (pp) pGpp using malachite green
M Schicketanz, M Petrová, D Rejman, M Sosio, S Donadio, YE Zhang
Microbial Cell 11, 312, 2024
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20