دنبال کردن
Jamie Gorrell
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
The K= 2 conundrum
JK Janes, JM Miller, JR Dupuis, RM Malenfant, JC Gorrell, CI Cullingham, ...
Molecular Ecology 26 (14), 3594-3602, 2017
Seasonal, spatial, and maternal effects on gut microbiome in wild red squirrels
T Ren, S Boutin, MM Humphries, B Dantzer, JC Gorrell, DW Coltman, ...
Microbiome 5 (1), 163, 2017
Low heritabilities, but genetic and maternal correlations between red squirrel behaviours
RW Taylor, AK Boon, B Dantzer, D Reale, MM Humphries, S Boutin, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (4), 614-624, 2012
Confidently identifying the correct K value using the ΔK method: When does K = 2?
CI Cullingham, JM Miller, RM Peery, JR Dupuis, RM Malenfant, JC Gorrell, ...
Molecular Ecology 29 (5), 862-869, 2020
Mating order and reproductive success in male Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus)
S Raveh, D Heg, FS Dobson, DW Coltman, JC Gorrell, A Balmer, ...
Behavioral Ecology 21 (3), 537-547, 2010
Adopting kin enhances inclusive fitness in asocial red squirrels
JC Gorrell, AG McAdam, DW Coltman, MM Humphries, S Boutin
Nature Communications 1, 22, 2010
Patterns of parasitism and body size in red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
JC Gorrell, AI Schulte-Hostedde
Canadian Journal of Zoology 86 (2), 99-107, 2008
Very low levels of direct additive genetic variance in fitness and fitness components in a red squirrel population
SE McFarlane, JC Gorrell, DW Coltman, MM Humphries, S Boutin, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (10), 1729-1738, 2014
Communal nesting in an ‘asocial’mammal: social thermoregulation among spatially dispersed kin
CT Williams, JC Gorrell, JE Lane, AG McAdam, MM Humphries, S Boutin
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67 (5), 757-763, 2013
Familiarity with neighbours affects intrusion risk in territorial red squirrels
E Siracusa, S Boutin, MM Humphries, JC Gorrell, DW Coltman, B Dantzer, ...
Animal Behaviour 133, 11-20, 2017
Red squirrels use territorial vocalizations for kin discrimination
DR Wilson, AR Goble, S Boutin, MM Humphries, DW Coltman, JC Gorrell, ...
Animal Behaviour 107, 79-85, 2015
The nature of nurture in a wild mammal's fitness
SE McFarlane, JC Gorrell, DW Coltman, MM Humphries, S Boutin, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 282 (1806 …, 2015
Male reproductive tactics to increase paternity in the polygynandrous Columbian ground squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus)
S Raveh, D Heg, VA Viblanc, DW Coltman, JC Gorrell, FS Dobson, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65 (4), 695-706, 2011
Phenological shifts in North American red squirrels: disentangling the roles of phenotypic plasticity and microevolution
J Lane, AG McAdam, E McFarlane, C Williams, MM Humphries, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2018
Social effects of territorial neighbours on the timing of spring breeding in North American red squirrels
DN Fisher, AJ Wilson, S Boutin, B Dantzer, JE Lane, DW Coltman, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32 (6), 559-571, 2019
The heritability of multiple male mating in a promiscuous mammal
SE McFarlane, JE Lane, RW Taylor, JC Gorrell, DW Coltman, ...
Biology Letters 7 (3), 368-371, 2011
Genetic relatedness and sex predict helper provisioning effort in the cooperatively breeding noisy miner
A Barati, RL Andrew, JC Gorrell, F Etezadifar, PG McDonald
Behavioral Ecology 29 (6), 1380-1389, 2018
Phylogeography of a migratory songbird across its Canadian breeding range: Implications for conservation units
S Haché, EM Bayne, MA Villard, H Proctor, CS Davis, D Stralberg, ...
Ecology and Evolution 7 (16), 6078-6088, 2017
No experimental effects of parasite load on male mating behaviour and reproductive success
S Raveh, D Heg, FS Dobson, DW Coltman, JC Gorrell, A Balmer, S Röösli, ...
Animal Behaviour 82 (4), 673-682, 2011
Post‐weaning parental care increases fitness but is not heritable in North American red squirrels
JE Lane, AG McAdam, A Charmantier, MM Humphries, DW Coltman, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (6), 1203-1212, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20