دنبال کردن
Marie Öhman
Marie Öhman
Professor of Physical Education, Örebro University, Sweden & Høgskolen Innlandet, Norge
ایمیل تأیید شده در oru.se
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Communicating aims and learning goals in physical education: Part of a subject for learning?
K Redelius, M Quennerstedt, M Öhman
Sport, Education and Society 20 (5), 641-655, 2015
Healthy bodies: Construction of the body and health in physical education
L Webb, M Quennerstedt, M Öhman
Sport, Education and Society 13 (4), 353-372, 2008
Participatory approach in practice: An analysis of student discussions about climate change
J Öhman, M Öhman
Environmental Education Research 19 (3), 324-341, 2013
Investigating learning in physical education—a transactional approach
M Quennerstedt, J Öhman, M Öhman
Sport, Education and Society 16 (2), 159-177, 2011
Heterotopias in physical education: towards a queer pedagogy?
H Larsson, M Quennerstedt, M Öhman
Gender and education 26 (2), 135-150, 2014
What did they learn in school today? A method for exploring aspects of learning in physical education
M Quennerstedt, C Annerstedt, D Barker, I Karlefors, H Larsson, ...
European Physical Education Review 20 (2), 282-302, 2014
Physical education in Sweden: a national evaluation
M Quennerstedt, M Öhman, C Eriksson
Education-line, 1-17, 2008
Questioning the no-touch discourse in physical education from a children's rights perspective
M Öhman, A Quennerstedt
Sport, education and society 22 (3), 305-320, 2017
The implications of assessment for learning in physical education and health
B Tolgfors, M Öhman
European Physical Education Review 22 (2), 150-166, 2016
Kropp och makt i rörelse
M Öhman
Örebro universitetsbibliotek, 2007
Harmoni eller konflikt?–en fallstudie av meningsinnehållet i utbildning för hållbar utveckling." Harmony or conflict?–A case study of the conceptual meaning of education for …
M Öhman, J Öhman
Nordic Studies in Science Education 8 (1), 59-72, 2012
Feel good—be good: subject content and governing processes in physical education
M Öhman, M Quennerstedt
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 13 (4), 365-379, 2008
Competing for ideal bodies: A study of exergames used as teaching aids in schools
M Öhman, J Almqvist, J Meckbach, M Quennerstedt
Critical Public Health 24 (2), 196-209, 2014
Pragmatiska studier av meningsskapande
J Almqvist, D Kronlid, M Quennerstedt, J Öhman, M Öhman, L Östman
Utbildning & Demokrati–tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitk 17 (3 …, 2008
Sport and exercise pedagogy and questions about learning
M Quennerstedt, M Öhman, K Armour
Sport, Education and Society 19 (7), 885-898, 2014
Teaching traditions in physical education in France, Switzerland and Sweden: A special focus on official curricula for gymnastics and fitness training
E Forest, B Lenzen, M Öhman
European Educational Research Journal 17 (1), 71-90, 2018
I am sailing—towards a transactional analysis of ‘body techniques’
J Andersson, L Östman, M Öhman
Sport, Education and Society 20 (6), 722-740, 2015
Losing touch–Teachers’ self-regulation in physical education
M Öhman
European Physical Education Review 23 (3), 297-310, 2017
Shepherds in the gym: Employing a pastoral power analytic on caring teaching in HPE
L McCuaig, M Öhman, J Wright
Sport, Education and Society 18 (6), 788-806, 2013
Analysing the direction of socialisation from a power perspective
M Öhman
Sport, Education and Society 15 (4), 393-409, 2010
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مقاله‌ها 1–20