Observation of a many-body dynamical phase transition with a 53-qubit quantum simulator J Zhang, G Pagano, PW Hess, A Kyprianidis, P Becker, H Kaplan, ... Nature 551 (7682), 601-604, 2017 | 1294 | 2017 |
Quantum nonlinear optics with single photons enabled by strongly interacting atoms T Peyronel, O Firstenberg, QY Liang, S Hofferberth, AV Gorshkov, T Pohl, ... Nature 488 (7409), 57-60, 2012 | 953 | 2012 |
Two-orbital SU(N) magnetism with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms AV Gorshkov, M Hermele, V Gurarie, C Xu, PS Julienne, J Ye, P Zoller, ... Nature physics 6 (4), 289-295, 2010 | 907 | 2010 |
Non-local propagation of correlations in quantum systems with long-range interactions P Richerme, ZX Gong, A Lee, C Senko, J Smith, M Foss-Feig, ... Nature 511 (7508), 198-201, 2014 | 846 | 2014 |
Programmable quantum simulations of spin systems with trapped ions C Monroe, WC Campbell, LM Duan, ZX Gong, AV Gorshkov, PW Hess, ... Reviews of Modern Physics 93 (2), 025001, 2021 | 816 | 2021 |
Quantum many-body models with cold atoms coupled to photonic crystals JS Douglas, H Habibian, CL Hung, AV Gorshkov, HJ Kimble, DE Chang Nature Photonics 9 (5), 326-331, 2015 | 560 | 2015 |
Attractive photons in a quantum nonlinear medium O Firstenberg, T Peyronel, QY Liang, AV Gorshkov, MD Lukin, V Vuletić Nature 502 (7469), 71-75, 2013 | 554 | 2013 |
Photon-photon interactions via Rydberg blockade AV Gorshkov, J Otterbach, M Fleischhauer, T Pohl, MD Lukin Physical review letters 107 (13), 133602, 2011 | 480 | 2011 |
Universal approach to optimal photon storage in atomic media AV Gorshkov, A André, M Fleischhauer, AS Sørensen, MD Lukin Physical review letters 98 (12), 123601, 2007 | 475 | 2007 |
Photon storage in -type optically dense atomic media. II. Free-space model AV Gorshkov, A André, MD Lukin, AS Sørensen Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (3), 033805, 2007 | 411 | 2007 |
Tunable superfluidity and quantum magnetism with ultracold polar molecules AV Gorshkov, SR Manmana, G Chen, J Ye, E Demler, MD Lukin, AM Rey Physical review letters 107 (11), 115301, 2011 | 393 | 2011 |
Cavity QED with atomic mirrors DE Chang, L Jiang, AV Gorshkov, HJ Kimble New Journal of Physics 14 (6), 063003, 2012 | 364 | 2012 |
Quantum computer systems for scientific discovery Y Alexeev, D Bacon, KR Brown, R Calderbank, LD Carr, FT Chong, ... PRX quantum 2 (1), 017001, 2021 | 329 | 2021 |
Photon storage in -type optically dense atomic media. I. Cavity model AV Gorshkov, A André, MD Lukin, AS Sørensen Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (3), 033804, 2007 | 313 | 2007 |
Scalable architecture for a room temperature solid-state quantum information processor NY Yao, L Jiang, AV Gorshkov, PC Maurer, G Giedke, JI Cirac, MD Lukin Nature communications 3 (1), 800, 2012 | 298 | 2012 |
Optimal control of light pulse storage and retrieval I Novikova, AV Gorshkov, DF Phillips, AS Sørensen, MD Lukin, ... Physical Review Letters 98 (24), 243602, 2007 | 279 | 2007 |
Robust quantum state transfer in random unpolarized spin chains NY Yao, L Jiang, AV Gorshkov, ZX Gong, A Zhai, LM Duan, MD Lukin Physical Review Letters 106 (4), 040505, 2011 | 265 | 2011 |
Kitaev chains with long-range pairing D Vodola, L Lepori, E Ercolessi, AV Gorshkov, G Pupillo Physical review letters 113 (15), 156402, 2014 | 263 | 2014 |
Quantum approximate optimization of the long-range Ising model with a trapped-ion quantum simulator G Pagano, A Bapat, P Becker, KS Collins, A De, PW Hess, HB Kaplan, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (41), 25396-25401, 2020 | 259 | 2020 |
Realizing fractional Chern insulators in dipolar spin systems NY Yao, AV Gorshkov, CR Laumann, AM Läuchli, J Ye, MD Lukin Physical review letters 110 (18), 185302, 2013 | 247 | 2013 |