The 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake: Mosaicking the megathrust from seconds to centuries M Simons, SE Minson, A Sladen, F Ortega, J Jiang, SE Owen, L Meng, ... science 332 (6036), 1421-1425, 2011 | 859 | 2011 |
Bayesian inversion for finite fault earthquake source models I—Theory and algorithm SE Minson, M Simons, JL Beck Geophysical Journal International 194 (3), 1701-1726, 2013 | 324 | 2013 |
Stable inversions for complete moment tensors SE Minson, DS Dreger Geophysical Journal International 174 (2), 585-592, 2008 | 200 | 2008 |
Accounting for prediction uncertainty when inferring subsurface fault slip Z Duputel, PS Agram, M Simons, SE Minson, JL Beck Geophysical journal international 197 (1), 464-482, 2014 | 175 | 2014 |
The limits of earthquake early warning: Timeliness of ground motion estimates SE Minson, MA Meier, AS Baltay, TC Hanks, ES Cochran Science advances 4 (3), eaaq0504, 2018 | 147 | 2018 |
Real‐time inversions for finite fault slip models and rupture geometry based on high‐rate GPS data SE Minson, JR Murray, JO Langbein, JS Gomberg Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (4), 3201-3231, 2014 | 136 | 2014 |
The limits of earthquake early warning accuracy and best alerting strategy SE Minson, AS Baltay, ES Cochran, TC Hanks, MT Page, SK McBride, ... Scientific reports 9 (1), 2478, 2019 | 133 | 2019 |
The Iquique earthquake sequence of April 2014: Bayesian modeling accounting for prediction uncertainty Z Duputel, J Jiang, R Jolivet, M Simons, L Rivera, JP Ampuero, B Riel, ... Geophysical Research Letters 42 (19), 7949-7957, 2015 | 124 | 2015 |
Crowdsourced earthquake early warning SE Minson, BA Brooks, CL Glennie, JR Murray, JO Langbein, SE Owen, ... Science advances 1 (3), e1500036, 2015 | 118 | 2015 |
Bayesian inversion for finite fault earthquake source models–II: the 2011 great Tohoku-oki, Japan earthquake SE Minson, M Simons, JL Beck, F Ortega, J Jiang, SE Owen, AW Moore, ... Geophysical Journal International 198 (2), 922-940, 2014 | 115 | 2014 |
Moment tensor inversions of icequakes on Gornergletscher, Switzerland F Walter, JF Clinton, N Deichmann, DS Dreger, SE Minson, M Funk Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99 (2A), 852-870, 2009 | 107 | 2009 |
Demonstration of the Cascadia G‐FAST geodetic earthquake early warning system for the Nisqually, Washington, earthquake BW Crowell, DA Schmidt, P Bodin, JE Vidale, J Gomberg, ... Seismological Research Letters 87 (4), 930-943, 2016 | 105 | 2016 |
The 2013 Mw 7.7 Balochistan Earthquake: Seismic Potential of an Accretionary Wedge R Jolivet, Z Duputel, B Riel, M Simons, L Rivera, SE Minson, H Zhang, ... Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (2), 1020-1030, 2014 | 105 | 2014 |
Seismically and geodetically determined nondouble‐couple source mechanisms from the 2000 Miyakejima volcanic earthquake swarm SE Minson, DS Dreger, R Bürgmann, H Kanamori, KM Larson Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B10), 2007 | 91 | 2007 |
Peak ground displacement saturates exactly when expected: Implications for earthquake early warning DT Trugman, MT Page, SE Minson, ES Cochran Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (5), 4642-4653, 2019 | 88 | 2019 |
Compositional variations in sands of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater, Mars, from visible‐shortwave infrared spectroscopy and comparison with ground truth from the Curiosity rover MGA Lapotre, BL Ehlmann, SE Minson, RE Arvidson, F Ayoub, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122 (12), 2489-2509, 2017 | 85 | 2017 |
Buried shallow fault slip from the South Napa earthquake revealed by near-field geodesy BA Brooks, SE Minson, CL Glennie, JM Nevitt, T Dawson, R Rubin, ... Science Advances 3 (7), e1700525, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
How often can earthquake early warning systems alert sites with high‐intensity ground motion? MA Meier, Y Kodera, M Böse, A Chung, M Hoshiba, E Cochran, S Minson, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (2), e2019JB017718, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Development of a geodetic component for the US West Coast earthquake early warning system JR Murray, BW Crowell, R Grapenthin, K Hodgkinson, JO Langbein, ... Seismological Research Letters 89 (6), 2322-2336, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
Slip rates and spatially variable creep on faults of the northern San Andreas system inferred through Bayesian inversion of Global Positioning System data JR Murray, SE Minson, JL Svarc Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (7), 6023-6047, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |