دنبال کردن
Angela Yen
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes
Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium Integrative analysis coordination Kundaje ...
Nature 518 (7539), 317-330, 2015
Landscape of X chromosome inactivation across human tissues
T Tukiainen, AC Villani, A Yen, MA Rivas, JL Marshall, R Satija, M Aguirre, ...
Nature 550 (7675), 244-248, 2017
Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes
CR Epigenomics, A Kundaje, W Meuleman, J Ernst, M Bilenky, A Yen, ...
Nature 518 (7539), 317-330, 2015
BRCA1 recruitment to transcriptional pause sites is required for R-loop-driven DNA damage repair
E Hatchi, K Skourti-Stathaki, S Ventz, L Pinello, A Yen, ...
Molecular cell 57 (4), 636-647, 2015
Genome-Wide Association Study in Asian Populations Identifies Variants in ETS1 and WDFY4 Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
W Yang, N Shen, DQ Ye, Q Liu, Y Zhang, XX Qian, N Hirankarn, D Ying, ...
PLoS genetics 6 (2), e1000841, 2010
Identifying recent adaptations in large-scale genomic data
SR Grossman, KG Andersen, I Shlyakhter, S Tabrizi, S Winnicki, A Yen, ...
Cell 152 (4), 703-713, 2013
An epigenetic signature for monoallelic olfactory receptor expression
A Magklara, A Yen, BM Colquitt, EJ Clowney, W Allen, ...
Cell 145 (4), 555-570, 2011
Soft X-ray tomography reveals gradual chromatin compaction and reorganization during neurogenesis in vivo
MA Le Gros, EJ Clowney, A Magklara, A Yen, ...
Cell reports 17 (8), 2125-2136, 2016
Systematic chromatin state comparison of epigenomes associated with diverse properties including sex and tissue type
A Yen, M Kellis
Nature communications 6 (1), 7973, 2015
Heravi-428 Moussavi A, Kheradpour P, Zhang Z, Wang J, et al. Integrative analysis of 111 reference human 429 epigenomes
C Roadmap Epigenomics, A Kundaje, W Meuleman, J Ernst, M Bilenky, ...
Nature 518, 317-330, 2015
Correction: Corrigendum: Landscape of X chromosome inactivation across human tissues
T Tukiainen, AC Villani, A Yen, MA Rivas, JL Marshall, R Satija, M Aguirre, ...
Nature 555 (7695), 274-274, 2018
Anshul Kundaje, Wouter Meuleman, Jason Ernst, Misha Bilenky, Angela Yen, Alireza Heravi-Moussavi, Pouya Kheradpour, Zhizhuo Zhang, Jianrong Wang, et al. Integrative analysis of …
Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium
Nature 518, 317-330, 2015
Various localized epigenetic marks predict expression across 54 samples and reveal underlying chromatin state enrichments
L Devadas, A Yen, M Kellis
bioRxiv, 030478, 2015
Landscape of X chromosome inactivation across human tissues (vol 550, pg 244, 2017)
T Tukiainen, AC Villani, A Yen, MA Rivas, JL Marshall, R Satija, M Aguirre, ...
NATURE 555 (7695), 2018
Computational epigenomics: gene regulation, comparative methodologies, and epigenetic patterns
A Yen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016
Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes
S Fisher, T Tlsty, J Costello, EC Roadmap, A Kundaje, W Meuleman, ...
Leveraging high-throughput datasets for studies of gene regulation
A Yen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011
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مقاله‌ها 1–17