دنبال کردن
Adam J. Benfield
Adam J. Benfield
ایمیل تأیید شده در fandm.edu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Environmental controls over Holocene carbon accumulation in Distichia muscoides-dominated peatlands in the eastern Andes of Colombia
AJ Benfield, Z Yu, JC Benavides
Quaternary Science Reviews 251, 106687, 2021
Gondwanan survivor lineages and the high‐risk biogeography of Anthropocene Southeast Asia
RM Kooyman, SJ Ivory, AJ Benfield, P Wilf
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60 (4), 715-727, 2022
Terrestrial ecosystem transformations in response to rapid climate change during the last deglaciation around Mono Lake, California, USA
AJ Benfield, SJ Ivory, BN Hodelka, SRH Zimmerman, MM McGlue
Quaternary Research 113, 87-104, 2023
Late Holocene History and Environmental Controls of Distichia muscoides Dominated Peatlands in the Eastern Colombian Andes
AJ Benfield
Lehigh University, 2019
Late Pleistocene to Middle Holocene Ecological Succession of the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont Lowlands, Little Conestoga Creek, PA.
D Rosa, A Benfield, D Merritts, RC Walter, KM Menking
AGU24, 2024
Early Holocene wetland initiation and paleoecological history of Mid Atlantic periglacial landscapes following late Pleistocene permafrost thaw
AJ Benfield, CJ Williams, RC Walter, D Merritts
AGU24, 2024
Late Quaternary ostracode stratigraphy of Mono Lake (California, USA): evidence for benthic ecosystem sensitivity to climate change
BN Hodelka, MM Mcglue, MR Palacios‐Fest, AJ Benfield, SJ Ivory, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 39 (4), 648-664, 2024
Terrestrial ecosystem dynamics across Quaternary glacial terminations: Paleoecological insights from California and Malesia
A Benfield
The Influence of Abrupt Climate Change on the Assembly of Indonesian Rainforests across Glacial-Interglacial Transitions
AJ Benfield, S Ivory, J Stevenson, RJ Hamilton, S Bijaksana, H Vogel, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (1152), PP53F-1152, 2023
Terrestrial and Lacustrine Paleoenvironmental and Paleoecological Changes from Multi-proxy Lake Records in the Mono Basin of the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, USA, During …
SRH Zimmerman, BN Hodelka, MM McGlue, S Starratt, E Lyon, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, PP24C-01, 2023
Lacustrine Records of Environmental Change from the Eastern Sierra Nevada: AN Update on Laminated Sediment Cores from the Mono Basin (california, Usa)
M McGlue, S Zimmerman, BN Hodelka, AJ Benfield, E Lyon, L Streib, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts 55, 395954, 2023
Assembly of Indonesian Rainforests during the last two glacial terminations
AJ Benfield, J Stevenson, R Hamilton, S Ivory, S Bijaksana, H Vogel, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, PP45E-1191, 2022
Preliminary Insights on the Ecological Consequences of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes on Mono Lake (california)
M McGlue, S Zimmerman, BN Hodelka, A Bottoms, AJ Benfield, S Ivory, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts 54, 375035, 2022
Investigating Post-Glacial Biogeography, Canopy Dynamics, and Flora-Megafauna Interactions Using Pollen Records from across the Great Basin
A Benfield, SJ Ivory, S Zimmerman, BN Hodelka, MM McGlue
Geological Society of America Abstracts 54, 379162, 2022
Terrestrial Ecosystem Response to Abrupt Climate Change during the Last Deglaciation around Mono Lake, California
A Benfield, S Ivory, BN Hodelka, S Zimmerman, M McGlue
Geological Society of America Abstracts 53, 367782, 2021
Terrestrial Ecosystem Response to Abrupt Climate Changes during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition at Mono Lake, California, USA
AJ Benfield, S Ivory, BN Hodelka, MM McGlue, GAH Ali, SH Zimmerman
Geological Society of America Abstracts 52, 354826, 2020
Late Holocene Accumulation and Environmental Controls of Distichia muscoides Peatlands in the Andes of Colombia
AJ Benfield, Z Yu, JC Benavides
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B22F-07, 2019
Paired δ13C and δ18O Analysis of Distichia muscoides from High Andean Peatlands in Colombia to Constrain Climate Change Since the Little Ice Age
AJ Benfield, Z Yu, JC Benavides
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, PP23D-1526, 2018
Drainage Evolution of Mid-Atlantic Slope Transverse Streams: Knickpoints, Wind Gaps, and Drainage Captures of the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers
AJ Benfield, JM Welkey, FJ Pazzaglia
Geological Society of America Abstracts 50, 310705, 2018
Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of the Silurian High Falls Formation, Southeastern NY
AJ Benfield, TS White, A Bartholomew
Geological Society of America Abstracts 48, 272718, 2016
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مقاله‌ها 1–20