دنبال کردن
Michael L Mann
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008
RK Kaufmann, H Kauppi, ML Mann, JH Stock
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (29), 11790-11793, 2011
Incorporating anthropogenic influences into fire probability models: Effects of human activity and climate change on fire activity in California
ML Mann, E Batllori, MA Moritz, EK Waller, P Berck, AL Flint, LE Flint, ...
PLoS One 11 (4), e0153589, 2016
Monitoring crop phenology using a smartphone based near-surface remote sensing approach
K Hufkens, EK Melaas, ML Mann, T Foster, F Ceballos, M Robles, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 265, 327-337, 2019
The relative influence of climate and housing development on current and projected future fire patterns and structure loss across three California landscapes
AD Syphard, H Rustigian-Romsos, M Mann, E Conlisk, M Moritz, ...
Global Environmental Change 56, 41-55, 2019
Spatial heterogeneity of climate change as an experiential basis for skepticism
RK Kaufmann, ML Mann, S Gopal, JA Liederman, PD Howe, F Pretis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (1), 67-71, 2017
Ethiopian wheat yield and yield gap estimation: A spatially explicit small area integrated data approach
ML Mann, JM Warner
Field Crops Research 201, 60-74, 2017
Oil prices: The role of refinery utilization, futures markets and non-linearities
RK Kaufmann, S Dees, A Gasteuil, M Mann
Energy Economics 30 (5), 2609-2622, 2008
Does temperature contain a stochastic trend: linking statistical results to physical mechanisms
RK Kaufmann, H Kauppi, ML Michael, JH Stock
Climatic Change, 2013
Modeling residential development in California from 2000 to 2050: Integrating wildfire risk, wildland and agricultural encroachment
ML Mann, B P, M MA, E Batllori, JG Baldwin, CK Gately, DR Cameron
Land Use Policy 41, 438–452, 2014
Assessing the factors behind oil price changes
S Dées, A Gasteuil, RK Kaufmann, M Mann
ECB Working Paper, 2008
Using VIIRS Day/Night Band to Measure Electricity Supply Reliability: Preliminary Results from Maharashtra, India
ML Mann, EK Melaas, A Malik
Remote Sensing 8 (9), 2016
Predicting High-Magnitude, Low-Frequency Crop Losses Using Machine Learning
ML Mann, JM Warner, AS Malik
Climatic Change 154 (1-2), 211-227, 2019
The economics of cropland conversion in Amazonia: The importance of agricultural rent
ML Mann, RK Kaufmann, D Bauer, S Gopal, MDC Vera-Diaz, D Nepstad, ...
Ecological Economics 69 (7), 1503-1509, 2010
Testing competing models of the temperature hiatus: assessing the effects of conditioning variables and temporal uncertainties through sample-wide break detection
F Pretis, ML Mann, RK Kaufmann
Climatic Change 131, 705-718, 2015
Ethiopian Wheat Yield and Yield Gap Estimation: A Small Area Integrated Data Approach
M Mann, J Warner
International Food Policy Research Institute - White Paper, 2015
Open data for algorithms: mapping poverty in Belize using open satellite derived features and machine learning
J Hersh, R Engstrom, M Mann
Information Technology for Development 27 (2), 263-292, 2021
Ecosystem Service Value and Agricultural Conversion in the Amazon: Implications for Policy Intervention
JGBMDCVD Michael L. Mann, Robert K. Kaufmann, Dana Marie
Horizontal and vertical transmissions in the US oil supply chain
RK Kaufmann, S Dees, M Mann
Energy Policy 37 (2), 644-650, 2009
Pasture conversion and competitive cattle rents in the Amazon
ML Mann, RK Kaufmann, DM Bauer, S Gopal, M Nomack, JY Womack, ...
Ecological economics 97, 182-190, 2014
Estimating acid soil effects on selected cereal crop productivities in Ethiopia: Comparing economic cost-effectiveness of lime and fertilizer applications
JM Warner, ML Mann, J Chamberlin, CY Tizale
Plos one 18 (1), e0280230, 2023
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مقاله‌ها 1–20