دنبال کردن
Baharuddin Hamzah
Baharuddin Hamzah
Professor, Department of Architecture, Universitas Hasanuddin
ایمیل تأیید شده در unhas.ac.id - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Thermal comfort analyses of secondary school students in the tropics
B Hamzah, Z Gou, R Mulyadi, S Amin
Buildings 8 (4), 56, 2018
Classification of daylight and radiation data into three sky conditions by cloud ratio and sunshine duration
R Rahim, R Mulyadi
Energy and Buildings 36 (7), 660-666, 2004
Thermal comfort analyses of naturally ventilated university classrooms
B Hamzah, MT Ishak, S Beddu, MY Osman
Structural Survey 34 (4/5), 427-445, 2016
Pengaliran Udara Untuk Kenyamanan Termal Ruang Kelas Dengan Metode Simulasi Computational Fluid Dynamics
S Latif, B Hamzah, I Ihsan
Sinektika: Jurnal Arsitektur 14 (2), 209-216, 2014
Kinerja Sistem Ventilasi Alami Ruang Kuliah
B Hamzah, MR Rahim, MT Ishak, Sahabuddin
Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia 6 (1), 51-58, 2017
Design of energy efficient and thermally comfortable air-conditioned university classrooms in the tropics
B Hamzah, A Kusno, R Mulyadi
International Journal of Sustainable Energy 38 (4), 382-397, 2019
Daylight availability in Hong Kong: classification into three sky conditions
Baharuddin, SSY Lau, R Rahim
Architectural Science Review 53 (4), 396-407, 2010
Eksplorasi kearifan budaya lokal sebagai landasan perumusan tatanan perumahan dan permukiman masyarakat Makassar
S Beddu, A Akil, WW Osman, B Hamzah
Prosiding Temul Ilmiah IPLB, 7-12, 2014
Utilization of waste of chicken feathers and waste of cardboard as the material of acoustic panel maker
R Rahim, A Kusno, N Jamala
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 126 (1), 012036, 2018
Adaptive thermal comfort of naturally ventilated classrooms of elementary schools in the tropics
B Hamzah, R Mulyadi, S Amin, A Kusno
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 402 (1), 012021, 2020
Daylight intensity analysis of secondary school buildings for environmental development
I Irnawaty, MR Rahim, B Hamzah, N Jamala
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 382 (1), 012022, 2019
Intensitas pencahayaan alami ruang kelas sekolah dasar di kota makassar
I Idrus, B Hamzah, R Mulyadi
Simposium Nasional RAPI XV-2016 FT UMS, 473-479, 2016
Reconsidering daylighting design parameters for tall buildings in a densely built city
SSY Lau, Baharuddin, WYW Lee, DKC Leung, AM Ye, A Amato, KW Chau, ...
Architectural Science Review 49 (3), 285-294, 2006
Evaluasi Pencahayaan Alami Ruang Kelas di Areal Pesisir Pantai Sulawesi Selatan
I Idrus, R Rahim, B Hamzah, R Mulyadi, N Jamala
Linears 2, 73-8, 2019
Thermal Performance of Naturally Ventilated Classroom in the Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University, Gowa Campus
MT Ishak, B Hamzah, Z Gou, R Rahim, S Latif
International Journal of Engineering and Science Applications 5 (1), 23-36, 2018
Pengaruh elemen fasad terhadap laju pergerakan aliran udara di ruang kelas
D Febrina, B Hamzah, R Mulyadi
PURWARUPA Jurnal Arsitektur 1 (2), 19-28, 2017
Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Siswadi Dalam Ruang Kelas (Studi Kasus Sd Inpres Tamalanrea IV Makassar)
S Latif, R Rahim, B Hamzah
Simposium Nasional RAPI XV–2016 FT UMS, Solo Surakarta, 2016
Temperatur dan kelembaban relatif udara outdoor
RR Nasrullah, RM Baharuddin, N Jamala, A Kusno
Temu Ilm IPBLI 1, 45-50, 2015
The development of visible sky area as an alternative daylight assessment method for high-rise buildings in high-density urban environments
B Hamzah, SSY Lau
Architectural Science Review 59 (3), 178-189, 2016
Acoustic Panel Chicken Feather Waste Environmentally Friendly
M Ansarullah, R Rahim, B Hamzah, A Kusno, M Tayeb
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 11 (02), 12-22, 2020
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مقاله‌ها 1–20