دنبال کردن
Siri Lie Olsen
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Accelerated increase in plant species richness on mountain summits is linked to warming
MJ Steinbauer, JA Grytnes, G Jurasinski, A Kulonen, J Lenoir, H Pauli, ...
Nature 556 (7700), 231-234, 2018
Global gene flow releases invasive plants from environmental constraints on genetic diversity
AL Smith, TR Hodkinson, J Villellas, JA Catford, AM Csergő, SP Blomberg, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (8), 4218-4227, 2020
From facilitation to competition: temperature‐driven shift in dominant plant interactions affects population dynamics in seminatural grasslands
SL Olsen, JP Töpper, O Skarpaas, V Vandvik, K Klanderud
Global change biology 22 (5), 1915-1926, 2016
Temperature, precipitation and biotic interactions as determinants of tree seedling recruitment across the tree line ecotone (vol 179, pg 599, 2015)
L Tingstad, SL Olsen, K Klanderud, V Vandvik, M Ohlson
Oecologia 180 (3), 917-918, 2016
Biotic interactions limit species richness in an alpine plant community, especially under experimental warming
SL Olsen, K Klanderud
Oikos 123 (1), 71-78, 2014
Increasing vascular plant richness on 13 high mountain summits in southern Norway since the early 1970s
A Odland, T Høitomt, SL Olsen
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 42 (4), 458-470, 2010
Effects of mountain biking versus hiking on trails under different environmental conditions
M Evju, D Hagen, M Jokerud, SL Olsen, SK Selvaag, OI Vistad
Journal of Environmental Management 278, 111554, 2021
Fremmede skadelige karplanter–Bekjempelsesmetodikk og spredningshindrende tiltak
R Blaalid, A Often, K Magnussen, SL Olsen, KB Westergaard
Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), 2017
The devil is in the detail: Nonadditive and context‐dependent plant population responses to increasing temperature and precipitation
JP Töpper, E Meineri, SL Olsen, K Rydgren, O Skarpaas, V Vandvik
Global change biology 24 (10), 4657-4666, 2018
Plant movements and climate warming: intraspecific variation in growth responses to nonlocal soils
P De Frenne, DA Coomes, A De Schrijver, J Staelens, JM Alexander, ...
New Phytologist 202 (2), 431-441, 2014
Near-natural forests harbor richer saproxylic beetle communities than those in intensively managed forests
RM Jacobsen, RC Burner, SL Olsen, O Skarpaas, A Sverdrup-Thygeson
Forest Ecology and Management 466, 118124, 2020
Shift from facilitative to neutral interactions by the cushion plant Silene acaulis along a primary succession gradient
U Kjær, SL Olsen, K Klanderud
Journal of Vegetation Science 29 (1), 42-51, 2018
Naturtyper etter Miljødirektoratets instruks. Dokumentasjon av sentral økosystemfunksjon
E Framstad, HH Blom, TE Brandrud, A Bär, L Johansen, SL Olsen, ...
Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), 2020
Phenotypic plasticity masks range‐wide genetic differentiation for vegetative but not reproductive traits in a short‐lived plant
J Villellas, J Ehrlén, EE Crone, AM Csergő, MB Garcia, AL Laine, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (11), 2378-2393, 2021
Håndbok. Sårbarhetsvurdering av ferdselslokaliteter i verneområder, for vegetasjon og dyreliv
D Hagen, NE Eide, M Evju, V Gundersen, BG Stokke, OI Vistad, ...
Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning (NINA), 2019
Fragmentation in calcareous grasslands: species specialization matters
SL Olsen, M Evju, A Endrestøl
Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 2329-2361, 2018
Exclusion of herbivores slows down recovery after experimental warming and nutrient addition in an alpine plant community
SL Olsen, K Klanderud
Journal of Ecology 102 (5), 1129-1137, 2014
Sampling beetle communities: Trap design interacts with weather and species traits to bias capture rates
RC Burner, T Birkemoe, SL Olsen, A Sverdrup‐Thygeson
Ecology and Evolution 10 (24), 14300-14308, 2020
Community-level functional traits of alpine vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens after long-term experimental warming
K van Zuijlen, K Klanderud, OS Dahle, Å Hasvik, MS Knutsen, SL Olsen, ...
Arctic Science 8 (3), 843-857, 2021
Restoration of peatland by spontaneous revegetation after road construction
MD Johansen, P Aker, K Klanderud, SL Olsen, AB Skrindo
Applied vegetation science 20 (4), 631-640, 2017
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مقاله‌ها 1–20