دنبال کردن
Pauline Hanot
Pauline Hanot
ایمیل تأیید شده در umontpellier.fr
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نقل شده توسط
New osteological criteria for the identification of domestic horses, donkeys and their hybrids in archaeological contexts
P Hanot, C Bochaton
Journal of Archaeological Science 94, 12-20, 2018
Identifying domestic horses, donkeys and hybrids from archaeological deposits: a 3D morphological investigation on skeletons
P Hanot, C Guintard, S Lepetz, R Cornette
Journal of Archaeological Science 78, 88-98, 2017
Morphological integration in the appendicular skeleton of two domestic taxa: the horse and donkey
P Hanot, A Herrel, C Guintard, R Cornette
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1864), 20171241, 2017
The impact of artificial selection on morphological integration in the appendicular skeleton of domestic horses
P Hanot, A Herrel, C Guintard, R Cornette
Journal of Anatomy 232 (4), 657-673, 2018
Unravelling the hybrid vigor in domestic equids: the effect of hybridization on bone shape variation and covariation
P Hanot, A Herrel, C Guintard, R Cornette
BMC Evolutionary Biology 19, 1-13, 2019
Cranial shape diversification in horses: variation and covariation patterns under the impact of artificial selection
P Hanot, J Bayarsaikhan, C Guintard, A Haruda, E Mijiddorj, R Schafberg, ...
BMC Ecology and Evolution 21, 1-19, 2021
Food supply strategies in the Romanian Eneolithic: sheep/goat husbandry and fishing activities from Hârşova Tell and Borduşani-Popină (5th Millennium BC)
S Bréhard, V Radu, A Martin, P Hanot, D Popovici, A Bălăşescu
European Journal of Archaeology 17 (3), 407-433, 2014
Digital Zooarchaeology: State of the art, challenges, prospects and synergies
A Spyrou, G Nobles, A Hadjikoumis, A Evin, A Hulme-Beaman, C Çakirlar, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45, 103588, 2022
Postglacial recolonization and Holocene diversification of Crocidura suaveolens (Mammalia, Soricidae) on the north-western fringe of the European continent
J Rofes, T Cucchi, P Hanot, J Herman, P Stephan, S Cersoy, I Horáček, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 190, 1-10, 2018
Size and weight estimations of subfossil monitor lizards (Varanus sp. Merrem 1820) with an application to the Hoabinhian assemblage of Doi Pha Kan (Late Pleistocene, Lampang …
C Bochaton, P Hanot, S Frère, J Claude, W Naksri, P Auetrakulvit, ...
Annales de Paléontologie 105 (4), 295-304, 2019
Reconstructing the functional traits of the horses from the tomb of King Childeric
P Hanot, S Gerber, C Guintard, A Herrel, L Verslype, R Cornette
Journal of archaeological science 121, 105200, 2020
Archéozoologie et patrimoine ostéologique du cheval. Les os des chevaux provenant des fouilles archéologiques: sujets de recherche et archives du sol
S Lepetz, P Hanot
In Situ. Revue des patrimoines, 2012
Nouvel éclairage sur les systèmes d'élevage ovins du Chasséen: reproduction, alimentation et productions animales à Auriac, Carcassonne (Aude, France)
M Fabre, S Bréhard, P Hanot, D Fiorillo, JS Vaquer, M Balasse
Biodiversités, environnements et sociétés depuis la Préhistoire. Nouveaux …, 2021
Insularité et singularité. Bilan et éléments de synthèse
Y Pailler, C Nicolas, L Audouard, F Convertini, K Donnart, Y Dréano, ...
Une maison sous les dunes : Beg ar Loued, Île Molène, Finistère. Identité et …, 2019
Beg ar Loued, Molène Island, Finistère (France), an Early Bronze Age insular settlement. Between autarchy and openness to the outside world.
Y Pailler, C Nicolas, L Audouard, F Convertini, K Donnart, Y Dréano, ...
Harald Meller, Susanne Friedriech, Mario Küßner, Harald Stäuble, Roberto …, 2019
Faire gras à Molène: dairy products and ruminant fats detected by lipid and isotopic analysis of pottery dating to the Final Neolithic-Early Bronze Age from the island site of …
C Prévost, A Suryanarayan, Y Pailler, C Nicolas, T Blasco, A Mazuy, ...
Comptes Rendus. Palevol 23 (1), 2024
Predictive use of modern reference osteological collections for disentangling the shape of Eurasian equid cheek teeth and metapodials in archaeological material
AF Mohaseb, R Cornette, MI Zimmermann, H Davoudi, R Berthon, ...
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 33 (5), 938-954, 2023
Étude en morphométrie géométrique 3D de la morphologie vertèbrale des couleuvres actuelles et passées de l’archipel de la Guadeloupe (Antilles françaises)
C Bochaton, P Hanot
Biodiversités, environnements et sociétés depuis la préhistoire : nouveaux …, 2021
Hauts-de-France, Téteghem, Route de la Branche «Le domaine des Carlines III» Modestes métairies des XIIIe et XIVe siècles dans la plaine maritime flamande? Volume 1.
M Lançon, M Barme, A Binois-Roman, M Canonne, C Cercy, B Clavel, ...
INRAP Hauts-de-France, 2020
Les restes de grands vertébrés du Néolithique final aux âges du Bronze ancien et moyen
P Hanot, A Tresset
Une maison sous les dunes : Beg ar Loued, Île Molène, Finistère. Identité et …, 2019
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مقاله‌ها 1–20