دنبال کردن
Robert LW Hsu
Robert LW Hsu
Professor of Hospitality Education
ایمیل تأییدشده‌ای ندارید
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
English as a foreign language learners’ perception of mobile assisted language learning: a cross-national study
L Hsu
Computer assisted language learning 26 (3), 197-213, 2013
Examining EFL teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge and the adoption of mobile-assisted language learning: A partial least square approach
L Hsu
Computer Assisted Language Learning 29 (8), 1287-1297, 2016
Neuromarketing, subliminal advertising, and hotel selection: An EEG study
L Hsu, YJ Chen
Australasian Marketing Journal 28 (4), 200-208, 2020
An empirical examination of EFL learners' perceptual learning styles and acceptance of ASR-based computer-assisted pronunciation training
L Hsu
Computer Assisted Language Learning 29 (5), 881-900, 2016
Web 3D simulation-based application in tourism education: A case study with Second Life
L Hsu
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 11 (2), 113-124, 2012
Work motivation, job burnout, and employment aspiration in hospitality and tourism students—An exploration using the self-determination theory
L Hsu
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 13, 180-189, 2013
Music and wine tasting: an experimental neuromarketing study
L Hsu, Y Chen
British food journal 122 (8), 2725-2737, 2020
Effectiveness of English for specific purposes courses for non-English speaking students of hospitality and tourism: A latent growth curve analysis
L Hsu
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 15, 50-57, 2014
Electronic-tablet-based menu in a full service restaurant and customer satisfaction-a structural equation model
L Hsu, P Wu
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology 3 (2), 61-71, 2013
Learning tourism English on mobile phones: How does it work?
L Hsu, SN Lee
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education (Pre-2012) 10 …, 2011
To CALL or not to CALL: empirical evidence from neuroscience
L Hsu
Computer Assisted Language Learning 35 (4), 792-815, 2022
The perceptual learning styles of hospitality students in a virtual learning environment: The case of Taiwan
L Hsu
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education (Pre-2012) 10 …, 2011
A cross-cultural study on consumers' level of acceptance toward marketing innovativeness
Y Hsu, L Hsu, CW Yeh
African Journal of Business Management 4 (6), 1215, 2010
Halal-friendly attributes and Muslims’ visit intention: Exploring the roles of perceived value and destination trust
A Sodawan, RLW Hsu
Sustainability 14 (19), 12002, 2022
Teachers’ knowledge and competence in the digital age: Descriptive research within the TPACK framework
L Hsu, YJ Chen
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 8 (6), 455-458, 2018
EFL learners’ acceptance of technology in a computer-assisted language learning (CALL) context: The role of intrinsic-extrinsic motivation in English learning
L Hsu
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 7 (9), 679-685, 2017
Diffusion of innovation and use of technology in hospitality education: An empirical assessment with multilevel analyses of learning effectiveness
L Hsu
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 25, 135-145, 2016
A qualitative analysis on the occurrence of learned helplessness among EFL students
L Hsu
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 1 (1), 162, 2011
Does coffee taste better with latte art? A neuroscientific perspective
L Hsu, YJ Chen
British Food Journal 123 (5), 1931-1946, 2021
Modelling determinants for the integration of Web 2.0 technologies into hospitality education: A Taiwanese case
L Hsu
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 24, 625-633, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20