دنبال کردن
Satish Bastola
Satish Bastola
Assistant Professor, University of New Orleans, LA
ایمیل تأیید شده در ce.gatech.edu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
The role of hydrological modelling uncertainties in climate change impact assessments of Irish river catchments
S Bastola, C Murphy, J Sweeney
Advances in water resources 34 (5), 562-576, 2011
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty: A case study involving TOPMODEL and basins across the globe
S Bastola, H Ishidaira, K Takeuchi
Journal of Hydrology 357 (3-4), 188-206, 2008
Towards improving river discharge estimation in ungauged basins: calibration of rainfall-runoff models based on satellite observations of river flow width at basin outlet
WC Sun, H Ishidaira, S Bastola
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (10), 2011-2022, 2010
Transferability of hydrological models and ensemble averaging methods between contrasting climatic periods
C Broderick, T Matthews, RL Wilby, S Bastola, C Murphy
Water Resources Research 52 (10), 8343-8373, 2016
Calibration of hydrological models in ungauged basins based on satellite radar altimetry observations of river water level
W Sun, H Ishidaira, S Bastola
Hydrological Processes 26 (23), 3524-3537, 2012
Topographic variability and the influence of soil erosion on the carbon cycle
YG Dialynas, S Bastola, RL Bras, SA Billings, D Markewitz, DB Richter
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (5), 644-660, 2016
Evaluation of dynamically downscaled reanalysis precipitation data for hydrological application
S Bastola, V Misra
Hydrological Processes 28 (4), 1989-2002, 2014
The role of vegetation on gully erosion stabilization at a severely degraded landscape: A case study from Calhoun Experimental Critical Zone Observatory
S Bastola, YG Dialynas, RL Bras, LV Noto, E Istanbulluoglu
Geomorphology 308, 25-39, 2018
Estimating daily time series of streamflow using hydrological model calibrated based on satellite observations of river water surface width: Toward real world applications
W Sun, H Ishidaira, S Bastola, J Yu
Environmental research 139, 36-45, 2015
The sensitivity of fluvial flood risk in Irish catchments to the range of IPCC AR4 climate change scenarios
S Bastola, C Murphy, J Sweeney
Science of the Total Environment 409 (24), 5403-5415, 2011
The assessment of spatial and temporal transferability of a physically based distributed hydrological model parameters in different physiographic regions of Nepal
S Shrestha, S Bastola, MS Babel, KN Dulal, J Magome, ...
Journal of Hydrology 347 (1-2), 153-172, 2007
Calibrating a hydrological model in a regional river of the Qinghai–Tibet plateau using river water width determined from high spatial resolution satellite images
W Sun, J Fan, G Wang, H Ishidaira, S Bastola, J Yu, YH Fu, AS Kiem, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 214, 100-114, 2018
Evaluation of flood prediction capability of the distributed Grid‐Xinanjiang model driven by weather research and forecasting precipitation
C Yao, J Ye, Z He, S Bastola, K Zhang, Z Li
Journal of Flood Risk Management 12, e12544, 2019
Temporal extension of meteorological records for hydrological modelling of Lake Chad Basin (Africa) using satellite rainfall data and reanalysis datasets
S Bastola, D François
Meteorological Applications 19 (1), 54-70, 2012
Sensitivity of the performance of a conceptual rainfall–runoff model to the temporal sampling of calibration data
S Bastola, C Murphy
Hydrology Research 44 (3), 484-494, 2013
Evaluation of the transferability of hydrological model parameters for simulations under changed climatic conditions
S Bastola, C Murphy, J Sweeney
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 8, 5891-5915, 2011
Impact of hydrologically driven hillslope erosion and landslide occurrence on soil organic carbon dynamics in tropical watersheds
YG Dialynas, S Bastola, RL Bras, E Marin‐Spiotta, WL Silver, E Arnone, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (11), 8895-8919, 2016
Combined assimilation of satellite precipitation and soil moisture: A case study using TRMM and SMOS data
LF Lin, AM Ebtehaj, AN Flores, S Bastola, RL Bras
Monthly Weather Review 145 (12), 4997-5014, 2017
Generating probabilistic estimates of hydrological response for Irish catchments using a weather generator and probabilistic climate change scenarios
S Bastola, C Murphy, R Fealy
Hydrological processes 26 (15), 2307-2321, 2012
Dynamic downscaling of the twentieth-century reanalysis over the southeastern United States
V Misra, SM DiNapoli, S Bastola
Regional Environmental Change 13, 15-23, 2013
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20