The role of hydrological modelling uncertainties in climate change impact assessments of Irish river catchments S Bastola, C Murphy, J Sweeney Advances in water resources 34 (5), 562-576, 2011 | 314 | 2011 |
Regionalisation of hydrological model parameters under parameter uncertainty: A case study involving TOPMODEL and basins across the globe S Bastola, H Ishidaira, K Takeuchi Journal of Hydrology 357 (3-4), 188-206, 2008 | 117 | 2008 |
Towards improving river discharge estimation in ungauged basins: calibration of rainfall-runoff models based on satellite observations of river flow width at basin outlet WC Sun, H Ishidaira, S Bastola Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (10), 2011-2022, 2010 | 99 | 2010 |
Transferability of hydrological models and ensemble averaging methods between contrasting climatic periods C Broderick, T Matthews, RL Wilby, S Bastola, C Murphy Water Resources Research 52 (10), 8343-8373, 2016 | 94 | 2016 |
Calibration of hydrological models in ungauged basins based on satellite radar altimetry observations of river water level W Sun, H Ishidaira, S Bastola Hydrological Processes 26 (23), 3524-3537, 2012 | 90 | 2012 |
Topographic variability and the influence of soil erosion on the carbon cycle YG Dialynas, S Bastola, RL Bras, SA Billings, D Markewitz, DB Richter Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (5), 644-660, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Evaluation of dynamically downscaled reanalysis precipitation data for hydrological application S Bastola, V Misra Hydrological Processes 28 (4), 1989-2002, 2014 | 71 | 2014 |
The role of vegetation on gully erosion stabilization at a severely degraded landscape: A case study from Calhoun Experimental Critical Zone Observatory S Bastola, YG Dialynas, RL Bras, LV Noto, E Istanbulluoglu Geomorphology 308, 25-39, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
Estimating daily time series of streamflow using hydrological model calibrated based on satellite observations of river water surface width: Toward real world applications W Sun, H Ishidaira, S Bastola, J Yu Environmental research 139, 36-45, 2015 | 67 | 2015 |
The sensitivity of fluvial flood risk in Irish catchments to the range of IPCC AR4 climate change scenarios S Bastola, C Murphy, J Sweeney Science of the Total Environment 409 (24), 5403-5415, 2011 | 67 | 2011 |
The assessment of spatial and temporal transferability of a physically based distributed hydrological model parameters in different physiographic regions of Nepal S Shrestha, S Bastola, MS Babel, KN Dulal, J Magome, ... Journal of Hydrology 347 (1-2), 153-172, 2007 | 58 | 2007 |
Calibrating a hydrological model in a regional river of the Qinghai–Tibet plateau using river water width determined from high spatial resolution satellite images W Sun, J Fan, G Wang, H Ishidaira, S Bastola, J Yu, YH Fu, AS Kiem, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 214, 100-114, 2018 | 43 | 2018 |
Evaluation of flood prediction capability of the distributed Grid‐Xinanjiang model driven by weather research and forecasting precipitation C Yao, J Ye, Z He, S Bastola, K Zhang, Z Li Journal of Flood Risk Management 12, e12544, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Temporal extension of meteorological records for hydrological modelling of Lake Chad Basin (Africa) using satellite rainfall data and reanalysis datasets S Bastola, D François Meteorological Applications 19 (1), 54-70, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Sensitivity of the performance of a conceptual rainfall–runoff model to the temporal sampling of calibration data S Bastola, C Murphy Hydrology Research 44 (3), 484-494, 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Evaluation of the transferability of hydrological model parameters for simulations under changed climatic conditions S Bastola, C Murphy, J Sweeney Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 8, 5891-5915, 2011 | 30 | 2011 |
Impact of hydrologically driven hillslope erosion and landslide occurrence on soil organic carbon dynamics in tropical watersheds YG Dialynas, S Bastola, RL Bras, E Marin‐Spiotta, WL Silver, E Arnone, ... Water Resources Research 52 (11), 8895-8919, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Combined assimilation of satellite precipitation and soil moisture: A case study using TRMM and SMOS data LF Lin, AM Ebtehaj, AN Flores, S Bastola, RL Bras Monthly Weather Review 145 (12), 4997-5014, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Generating probabilistic estimates of hydrological response for Irish catchments using a weather generator and probabilistic climate change scenarios S Bastola, C Murphy, R Fealy Hydrological processes 26 (15), 2307-2321, 2012 | 25 | 2012 |
Dynamic downscaling of the twentieth-century reanalysis over the southeastern United States V Misra, SM DiNapoli, S Bastola Regional Environmental Change 13, 15-23, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |