دنبال کردن
Dario G. Liebermann
Dario G. Liebermann
ایمیل تأیید شده در tauex.tau.ac.il
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Advances in the application of information technology to sport performance
DG Liebermann, L Katz, MD Hughes, RM Bartlett, J McClements, ...
Journal of sports sciences 20 (10), 755-769, 2002
Effect of vibratory stimulation training on maximal force and flexibility
VB Issurin, DG Liebermann, G Tenenbaum
Journal of sports sciences 12 (6), 561-566, 1994
A computational model for redundant human three-dimensional pointing movements: integration of independent spatial and temporal motor plans simplifies movement dynamics
A Biess, DG Liebermann, T Flash
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (48), 13045-13064, 2007
Anticipation and confidence of decisions related to skilled performance.
G Tenenbaum, N Levy-Kolker, S Sade, DG Liebermann, R Lidor
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 1996
Perceptual-motor coordination in persons with mild intellectual disability
E Carmeli, T Bar-Yossef, C Ariav, R Levy, DG Liebermann
Disability and rehabilitation 30 (5), 323-329, 2008
Compensatory versus noncompensatory shoulder movements used for reaching in stroke
MF Levin, DG Liebermann, Y Parmet, S Berman
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 30 (7), 635-646, 2016
Virtual Reality Versus Conventional Treatment of Reaching Ability in Chronic Stroke: Clinical Feasibility Study
MF Levin, O Snir, DG Liebermann, H Weingarden, PL Weiss
Neurology and Therapy, 1-15, 2012
Kinematics of fast cervical rotations in persons with chronic neck pain: a cross-sectional and reliability study
U Röijezon, M Djupsjöbacka, M Björklund, C Häger-Ross, H Grip, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 11, 1-10, 2010
Dynamics of the EEG power in the frequency and spatial domains during observation and execution of manual movements
S Frenkel-Toledo, S Bentin, A Perry, DG Liebermann, N Soroker
Brain research 1509, 43-57, 2013
On the assessment of lower-limb muscular power capability
DG Liebermann, L Katz
Isokinetics and Exercise Science 11 (2), 87-94, 2003
A field study on braking responses during driving. II. Minimum driver braking times
N Schweitzer, Y Apter, G Ben-David, DG Liebermann, A Parush
Ergonomics 38 (9), 1903-1910, 1995
Mirror-neuron system recruitment by action observation: effects of focal brain damage on mu suppression
S Frenkel-Toledo, S Bentin, A Perry, DG Liebermann, N Soroker
NeuroImage 87, 127-137, 2014
A field study on braking responses during driving. I. Triggering and modulation
DG Liebermann, G Ben-David, N Schweitzer, Y Apter, A Parush
Ergonomics 38 (9), 1894-1902, 1995
Enhancement of motor rehabilitation through the use of information technologies
DG Liebermann, AS Buchman, IM Franks
Clinical biomechanics 21 (1), 8-20, 2006
Kinematics of Reaching Movements in a 2-D Virtual Environment in Adults With and Without Stroke
DG Liebermann, S Berman, P Weiss, M Levin
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2012 …, 2012
Birth weight and physical ability in 5-to 8-yr-old healthy children born prematurely.
B Falk, A Eliakim, R Dotan, DG Liebermann, R Regev, O Bar-Or
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 29 (9), 1124-1130, 1997
Pre-landing muscle timing and post-landing effects of falling with continuous vision and in blindfold conditions
DG Liebermann, D Goodman
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2), 212-227, 2007
Effort perception during isotonic muscle contractions with superimposed mechanical vibratory stimulation
DG Liebermann, V Issurin
Journal of Human Movement Studies 32 (4), 171-186, 1997
Timing of preparatory landing responses as a function of availability of optic flow information
DG Liebermann, JR Hoffman
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 15 (1), 120-130, 2005
Effects of visual guidance on the reduction of impacts during landings
DG Liebermann, D Goodman
Ergonomics 34 (11), 1399-1406, 1991
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20