دنبال کردن
Stefan Seifert
Stefan Seifert
رابطه نامشخص
ایمیل تأیید شده در zukomplex.de
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نقل شده توسط
Rötzer Th, Seifert St. 2008. Models for forest ecosystem management: a European perspective
H Pretzsch, R Grote, B Reineking
Annals of Botany 101, 1065-1087, 0
Structural crown properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]) in mixed versus pure stands revealed by terrestrial laser scanning
D Bayer, S Seifert, H Pretzsch
Trees, 1-13, 0
Influence of drone altitude, image overlap, and optical sensor resolution on multi-view reconstruction of forest images
E Seifert, S Seifert, H Vogt, D Drew, J Van Aardt, A Kunneke, T Seifert
Remote sensing 11 (10), 1252, 2019
From ground to above canopy—Bat activity in mature forests is driven by vegetation density and height
J Müller, R Brandl, J Buchner, H Pretzsch, S Seifert, C Strätz, M Veith, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 306, 179-184, 2013
Competition effects in an afrotemperate forest
T Seifert, S Seifert, A Seydack, G Durrheim, K von Gadow
Forest Ecosystems 1 (1), 13, 2014
Age and weather effects on between and within ring variations of number, width and coarseness of tracheids and radial growth of young Norway spruce
SO Lundqvist, S Seifert, T Grahn, L Olsson, MR García-Gil, B Karlsson, ...
European journal of forest research 137 (5), 719-743, 2018
Modelling and Simulation of Tree Biomass
T Seifert, S Seifert
Bioenergy from Wood, 43-65, 2014
Evaluation of a ray-tracing canopy light model based on terrestrial laser scans
S Bittner, S Gayler, C Biernath, JB Winkler, S Seifert, H Pretzsch, ...
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (05), 619-628, 2012
Two approaches to modeling the initiation and development of rills in a man-made catchment
M Hofer, P Lehmann, M Stähli, S Seifert, M Krafczyk
Water Resources Research 48 (1), W01531, 2012
Dreidimensionale Visualisierung des Waldwachstums
S Seifert
Evaluation of remotely‐sensed DEMs and modification based on plausibility rules and initial sediment budgets of an artificially‐created catchment
A Schneider, HH Gerke, T Maurer, S Seifert, R Nenov, RF Hüttl
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (7), 708-725, 2012
Resin pocket occurrence in Norway spruce depending on tree and climate variables
T Seifert, J Breibeck, S Seifert, P Biber
Forest ecology and management 260 (3), 302-312, 2010
Comparison of forest attributes derived from two terrestrial LiDAR systems
MJ Ducey, R Astrup, S Seifert, H Pretzsch, BC Larson, KD Coates
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 79 (3), 245-257, 2013
Methoden zur Visualisierung des Waldwachstums
H Pretzsch, S Seifert
Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 119 (1), 100-113, 2000
Relationships between substrate, surface characteristics, and vegetation in an initial ecosystem
P Biber, S Seifert, MK Zaplata, W Schaaf, H Pretzsch, A Fischer
Biogeosciences Discussions 10 (3), 4733-4780, 2013
Wissenschaftliche Visualisierung des Waldwachstums
H Pretzsch, S Seifert
AFZ/der Wald 18, 960-962, 1999
Mechanised pine thinning harvesting simulation: productivity and cost improvements as a result of changes in planting geometry
SA Ackerman, S Seifert, PA Ackerman, T Seifert
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2016
Beitrag des terrestrischen Laserscannings zur Erfassung der Struktur von Baumkronen| Application of terrestrial laser scanning for measuring tree crown structures
H Pretzsch, S Seifert, P Huang
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 162 (6), 186-194, 2011
Monitoring the formation of structures and patterns during initial development of an artificial catchment.
W Schaaf, M Elmer, A Fischer, W Gerwin, R Nenov, H Pretzsch, S Seifert, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment, 2012
Structural crown properties of Norway spruce and European beech in mixed versus pure stands revealed by terrestrial laser scanning
D Bayer, S Seifert, H Pretzsch
Trees 27 (4), 1035-1047, 2013
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20