دنبال کردن
Yanfeng Zheng
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Exploration or exploitation? Small firms' alliance strategies with large firms
H Yang, Y Zheng, X Zhao
Strategic Management Journal 35 (1), 146-157, 2014
Entry into new niches: The effects of firm age and the expansion of technological capabilities on innovative output and impact
R Kotha, Y Zheng, G George
Strategic management journal 32 (9), 1011-1024, 2011
The dynamic impact of innovative capability and inter-firm network on firm valuation: A longitudinal study of biotechnology start-ups
Y Zheng, J Liu, G George
Journal of Business Venturing 25 (6), 593-609, 2010
Unlocking founding team prior shared experience: A transactive memory system perspective
Y Zheng
Journal of Business Venturing 27 (5), 577-591, 2012
Entry into insular domains: A longitudinal study of knowledge structuration and innovation in biotechnology firms
G George, R Kotha, Y Zheng
Journal of Management Studies 45 (8), 1448-1474, 2008
Does familiarity foster innovation? The impact of alliance partner repeatedness on breakthrough innovations
Y Zheng, H Yang
Journal of Management Studies 52 (2), 213-230, 2015
Current practices, new insights, and emerging trends of financial technologies
X Hua, Y Huang, Y Zheng
Industrial Management & Data Systems 119 (7), 1401-1410, 2019
Asymmetric learning capabilities and stock market returns
H Yang, Y Zheng, A Zaheer
Academy of Management Journal 58 (2), 356-374, 2015
A contextualized transactive memory system view on how founding teams respond to surprises: Evidence from C hina
Y Zheng, Y Mai
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 7 (3), 197-213, 2013
Shared and shared alike? F ounders' prior shared experience and performance of newly founded banks
Y Zheng, ML Devaughn, M Zellmer‐Bruhn
Strategic Management Journal 37 (12), 2503-2520, 2016
Resource dependence and network relations: A test of venture capital investment termination in China
Y Zheng, J Xia
Journal of management studies 55 (2), 295-319, 2018
Shadow of the great firewall: The impact of Google blockade on innovation in China
Y Zheng, Q Wang
Strategic Management Journal 41 (12), 2234-2260, 2020
How On‐the‐Job Embeddedness Influences New Venture Creation and Growth
Y Mai, Y Zheng
Journal of small business management 51 (4), 508-524, 2013
Does the learning value of individual failure experience depend on group-level success? Insights from a university technology transfer office
Y Zheng, AS Miner, G George
Industrial and Corporate Change 22 (6), 1557-1586, 2013
In their eyes: how entrepreneurs evaluate venture capital firms
Y Zheng
The Journal of Private Equity, 72-85, 2011
Nest without birds: Inventor mobility and the left-behind patents
QR Wang, Y Zheng
Research Policy 51 (4), 104485, 2022
Patent regime and the geography of cumulative innovation
QR Wang, Y Zheng
Research Policy 52 (7), 104809, 2023
Absolute Blockchain Strength?: Evidence from the ABS Market in China
J Liu, I Shim, Y Zheng
Bank for International Settlements, Monetary and Economic Department, 2023
Financial technologies: Artificial intelligence, blockchain, and crowdfunding
X Hua, Y Zheng
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019
The impact of new venture creation progress on work-family conflict among nascent entrepreneurs
L Tian, Y Zheng
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 13855, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20