Affordanz/Affordance R Fox, D Panagiotopoulos, C Tsouparopoulou Materiale Textkulturen. Konzepte-Materialien-Praktiken, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |
Deconstructing Textuality, Reconstructing Materiality C Tsouparopoulou Materiality of Writing in Early Mesopotamia 13, 257, 2016 | 32 | 2016 |
The Ur III Seals Impressed on Documents from Puzriš-Dagān (Drehem) C Tsouparopoulou Heidelberg HSAO 16, 2015 | 29* | 2015 |
Materiality of Writing in Early Mesopotamia TE Balke, C Tsouparopoulou Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
A reconstruction of the Puzriš-Dagan central livestock agency C Tsouparopoulou Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2013 (2), 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Materialität A Karagianni, JP Schwindt, C Tsouparopoulou Thomas Meier, Michael R. Ott u. Rebecca Sauer (Hgg.), Materiale Textkulturen …, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
The “K-9 Corps” of the Third Dynasty of Ur: The Dog Handlers at Drehem and the Army C Tsouparopoulou Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie 102 (1), 1-16, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Hidden messages under the temple. Foundation deposits and the restricted presence of writing in 3rd millennium BCE Mesopotamia C Tsouparopoulou Tobias Frese, Wilfried E. Keil u. Kristina Krüger (Hgg.), Verborgen …, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
Killing and Skinning Animals in the Ur III Period: The Puzriš-Dagan (Drehem) Office Managing of Dead Animals and Slaughter By-products C Tsouparopoulou Altorientalische Forschungen 40 (1), 150-182, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Progress Report: An Online database for the documentation of seals, sealings, and seal impressions in the Ancient Near East C Tsouparopoulou Studia Orientalia Electronica 2, 37-68, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
The Material Face of Bureaucracy: Writing, sealing and archiving tablets for the Ur III state at Drehem C Tsouparopoulou University of Cambridge, 2009 | 15* | 2009 |
Fierce lions, angry mice and fat-tailed sheep: Animal encounters in the ancient Near East L Recht, C Tsouparopoulou Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2021 | 14* | 2021 |
Artefakt C Tsouparopoulou, T Meier | 14* | 2015 |
Spreading the Royal Word: The (Im) Materiality of Communication in Early Mesopotamia C Tsouparopoulou Communication and Materiality: Written and Unwritten Communication in Pre …, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
‘Counter-archaeology’: putting the Ur III Drehem archives back to the ground C Tsouparopoulou | 11 | 2017 |
3D-Scans von Keilschrifttafeln - ein Werkstattbericht CT Kantel, J.,P.Damerow, S. Köhler Assmann, W., C. Hausmann-Jamin, F. Malisius (eds) 26. DV-Treffen der Max …, 2010 | 11* | 2010 |
The healing goddess, her dogs and physicians in late third millennium BC Mesopotamia C Tsouparopoulou Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
The Early Dynastic ‘Maison des Fruits’ at Tell K in Tello (Ĝirsu) C Tsouparopoulou BASOR, 2024 | 6 | 2024 |
Ton TE Balke, D Panagiotopoulos, C Tsouparopoulou | 6 | 2015 |
Reflections on Paratextual Markers and Graphic Devices in Ur III Administrative Documents C Tsouparopoulou Textual Cultures 8 (2), 1-14, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |