Rotational accelerations stabilize leading edge vortices on revolving fly wings D Lentink, MH Dickinson Journal of experimental biology 212 (16), 2705-2719, 2009 | 595 | 2009 |
Flapping wing aerodynamics: from insects to vertebrates DD Chin, D Lentink Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (7), 920-932, 2016 | 463 | 2016 |
How swifts control their glide performance with morphing wings D Lentink, UK Müller, EJ Stamhuis, R De Kat, W Van Gestel, ... Nature 446 (7139), 1082-1085, 2007 | 408 | 2007 |
Leading-edge vortices elevate lift of autorotating plant seeds D Lentink, WB Dickson, JL Van Leeuwen, MH Dickinson Science 324 (5933), 1438-1440, 2009 | 349 | 2009 |
Structural analysis of a dragonfly wing SR Jongerius, D Lentink Experimental Mechanics 50, 1323-1334, 2010 | 284 | 2010 |
Biofluiddynamic scaling of flapping, spinning and translating fins and wings D Lentink, MH Dickinson Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (16), 2691-2704, 2009 | 204 | 2009 |
Bird-inspired dynamic grasping and perching in arboreal environments WRT Roderick, MR Cutkosky, D Lentink Science Robotics 6 (61), eabj7562, 2021 | 178 | 2021 |
Influence of wing kinematics on aerodynamic performance in hovering insect flight FM Bos, D Lentink, BW Van Oudheusden, H Bijl Journal of fluid mechanics 594, 341-368, 2008 | 166 | 2008 |
Soft biohybrid morphing wings with feathers underactuated by wrist and finger motion E Chang, LY Matloff, AK Stowers, D Lentink Science Robotics 5 (38), eaay1246, 2020 | 159 | 2020 |
The scalable design of flapping micro-air vehicles inspired by insect flight D Lentink, SR Jongerius, NL Bradshaw Flying insects and robots, 185-205, 2009 | 159 | 2009 |
Automated visual tracking for studying the ontogeny of zebrafish swimming E Fontaine, D Lentink, S Kranenbarg, UK Müller, JL Van Leeuwen, ... Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (8), 1305-1316, 2008 | 134 | 2008 |
Hummingbird wing efficacy depends on aspect ratio and compares with helicopter rotors JW Kruyt, EM Quicazán-Rubio, GF Van Heijst, DL Altshuler, D Lentink Journal of the royal society interface 11 (99), 20140585, 2014 | 127 | 2014 |
Power reduction and the radial limit of stall delay in revolving wings of different aspect ratio JW Kruyt, GF Van Heijst, DL Altshuler, D Lentink Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (105), 20150051, 2015 | 123 | 2015 |
The biophysics of bird flight: functional relationships integrate aerodynamics, morphology, kinematics, muscles, and sensors DL Altshuler, JW Bahlman, R Dakin, AH Gaede, B Goller, D Lentink, ... Canadian Journal of Zoology 93 (12), 961-975, 2015 | 117 | 2015 |
Folding in and out: passive morphing in flapping wings AK Stowers, D Lentink Bioinspiration & biomimetics 10 (2), 025001, 2015 | 110 | 2015 |
How flight feathers stick together to form a continuous morphing wing LY Matloff, E Chang, TJ Feo, L Jeffries, AK Stowers, C Thomson, ... Science 367 (6475), 293-297, 2020 | 107 | 2020 |
Touchdown to take-off: at the interface of flight and surface locomotion WRT Roderick, MR Cutkosky, D Lentink Interface focus 7 (1), 20160094, 2017 | 88 | 2017 |
Vortex-wake interactions of a flapping foil that models animal swimming and flight D Lentink, FT Muijres, FJ Donker-Duyvis, JL Van Leeuwen Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (2), 267-273, 2008 | 85 | 2008 |
Inspiration for wing design: how forelimb specialization enables active flight in modern vertebrates DD Chin, LY Matloff, AK Stowers, ER Tucci, D Lentink Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14 (131), 20170240, 2017 | 78 | 2017 |
Influence of airfoil shape on performance in insect flight D Lentink, M Gerritsma 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 3447, 2003 | 74 | 2003 |