مقاله‌های دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - Jaime Liewبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۸
FarmConners wind farm flow control benchmark–Part 1: Blind test results
T Göçmen, F Campagnolo, T Duc, I Eguinoa, SJ Andersen, V Petrović, ...
Wind Energy Science 7 (5), 1791-1825, 2022
تعهدات: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
LES verification of HAWC2Farm aeroelastic wind farm simulations with wake steering and load analysis
J Liew, SJ Andersen, N Troldborg, T Göçmen
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2265 (2), 022069, 2022
تعهدات: European Commission
Yaw induced wake deflection-a full-scale validation study
GC Larsen, S Ott, J Liew, MP van der Laan, E Simon, GR Thorsen, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (6), 062047, 2020
تعهدات: European Commission
The effect of minimum thrust coefficient control strategy on power output and loads of a wind farm
F Meng, AWH Lio, J Liew
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1452 (1), 012009, 2020
تعهدات: European Commission
Model-free estimation of available power using deep learning
T Göçmen, J Liew, A Meseguer Urban, AWH Lio
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2019, 1-29, 2019
تعهدات: European Commission
Extending the dynamic wake meandering model in HAWC2Farm: a comparison with field measurements at the Lillgrund wind farm
J Liew, T Göçmen, AWH Lio, GC Larsen
Wind Energy Science 8 (9), 1387-1402, 2023
تعهدات: European Commission
Extending the dynamic wake meandering model in HAWC2Farm: lillgrund wind farm case study and validation
J Liew, T Göçmen, AWH Lio, GC Larsen
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2023, 1-25, 2023
تعهدات: European Commission
Dynamic modelling of wind farms for closed-loop control
J Liew
DTU Wind and Energy Systems, 2022
تعهدات: European Commission
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