Cloud dynamics RA Houze Jr Academic press, 2014 | 2935 | 2014 |
Mesoscale convective systems RA Houze Jr Reviews of Geophysics 42 (4), 2004 | 1494 | 2004 |
Climatological characterization of three-dimensional storm structure from operational radar and rain gauge data M Steiner, RA Houze Jr, SE Yuter Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 34 (9), 1978-2007, 1995 | 1320 | 1995 |
Stratiform precipitation in regions of convection: A meteorological paradox? RA Houze Jr Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78 (10), 2179-2196, 1997 | 990 | 1997 |
Orographic effects on precipitating clouds RA Houze Jr Reviews of Geophysics 50 (1), 2012 | 943 | 2012 |
Structure and dynamics of a tropical squall–line system RA Houze Jr Monthly Weather Review 105 (12), 1540-1567, 1977 | 922 | 1977 |
Three-dimensional kinematic and microphysical evolution of Florida cumulonimbus. Part II: Frequency distributions of vertical velocity, reflectivity, and differential reflectivity SE Yuter, RA Houze Jr Monthly weather review 123 (7), 1941-1963, 1995 | 823 | 1995 |
Observed structure of mesoscale convective systems and implications for large‐scale heating RA Houze Jr Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 115 (487), 425-461, 1989 | 704 | 1989 |
Cloud clusters and large-scale vertical motions in the tropics A Robert Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 60 (1), 1982 | 676 | 1982 |
Stratiform rain in the tropics as seen by the TRMM precipitation radar C Schumacher, RA Houze Jr Journal of climate 16 (11), 1739-1756, 2003 | 630 | 2003 |
Interpretation of Doppler weather radar displays of midlatitude mesoscale convective systems RA Houze Jr, SA Rutledge, MI Biggerstaff, BF Smull Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 70 (6), 608-619, 1989 | 629 | 1989 |
The MAP special observing period P Bougeault, P Binder, A Buzzi, R Dirks, R Houze, J Kuettner, RB Smith, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 82 (3), 433-462, 2001 | 613 | 2001 |
Convection in GATE RA Houze Jr, AK Betts Reviews of Geophysics 19 (4), 541-576, 1981 | 575 | 1981 |
Mesoscale organization of springtime rainstorms in Oklahoma RA Houze Jr, BF Smull, P Dodge Monthly Weather Review 118 (3), 613-654, 1990 | 564 | 1990 |
Cloud clusters and superclusters over the oceanic warm pool BE Mapes, RA Houze Jr Monthly Weather Review 121 (5), 1398-1416, 1993 | 549 | 1993 |
Diurnal variation and life‐cycle of deep convective systems over the tropical Pacific warm pool SS Chen, RA Houze Jr Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 123 (538), 357-388, 1997 | 547 | 1997 |
Multiscale variability of deep convection in realation to large-scale circulation in TOGA COARE SS Chen, RA Houze Jr, BE Mapes Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 53 (10), 1380-1409, 1996 | 481 | 1996 |
The tropical dynamical response to latent heating estimates derived from the TRMM precipitation radar C Schumacher, RA Houze Jr, I Kraucunas Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 61 (12), 1341-1358, 2004 | 472 | 2004 |
Diabatic divergence profiles in western Pacific mesoscale convective systems BE Mapes, RA Houze Jr Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 52 (10), 1807-1828, 1995 | 460 | 1995 |
Some implications of the mesoscale circulations in tropical cloud clusters for large-scale dynamics and climate DL Hartmann, HH Hendon, RA Houze Jr Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 41 (1), 113-121, 1984 | 455 | 1984 |