دنبال کردن
Denis Allard
Denis Allard
Directeur de Recherche, BioSP, INRAE
ایمیل تأیید شده در inrae.fr - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Connectivity metrics for subsurface flow and transport
P Renard, D Allard
Advances in Water Resources 51, 168-196, 2013
Quantifying spatial heterogeneity at the landscape scale using variogram models
S Garrigues, D Allard, F Baret, M Weiss
Remote sensing of environment 103 (1), 81-96, 2006
Stochastic weather generators: an overview of weather type models
P Ailliot, D Allard, V Monbet, P Naveau
Journal de la société française de statistique 156 (1), 101-113, 2015
Influence of landscape spatial heterogeneity on the non-linear estimation of leaf area index from moderate spatial resolution remote sensing data
S Garrigues, D Allard, F Baret, M Weiss
Remote Sensing of Environment 105 (4), 286-298, 2006
VALERI: a network of sites and a methodology for the validation of medium spatial resolution land satellite products
F Baret, M Weiss, D Allard, S Garrigues, M Leroy, H Jeanjean, ...
Remote Sens. Environ 76 (3), 36-39, 2005
Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation of features in spatial point processes using Voronoi tessellation
D Allard, C Fraley
Journal of the American statistical Association 92 (440), 1485-1493, 1997
Multivariate bias corrections of climate simulations: which benefits for which losses?
B François, M Vrac, AJ Cannon, Y Robin, D Allard
Earth System Dynamics 11 (2), 537-562, 2020
CART algorithm for spatial data: Application to environmental and ecological data
L Bel, D Allard, JM Laurent, R Cheddadi, A Bar-Hen
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53 (8), 3082-3093, 2009
Probability aggregation methods in geoscience
D Allard, A Comunian, P Renard
Mathematical Geosciences 44, 545-581, 2012
A new spatial skew-normal random field model
D Allard, P Naveau
Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 36 (9), 1821-1834, 2007
Multivariate quantification of landscape spatial heterogeneity using variogram models
S Garrigues, D Allard, F Baret, J Morisette
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (1), 216-230, 2008
Spatial interpolation of air temperature using environmental context: Application to a crop model
P Monestiez, D Courault, D Allard, F Ruget
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 8 (4), 297-309, 2001
An efficient maximum entropy approach for categorical variable prediction
D Allard, D d'Or, R Froidevaux
European Journal of Soil Science 62 (3), 381-393, 2011
Disaggregating daily precipitations into hourly values with a transformed censored latent Gaussian process
D Allard, M Bourotte
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 29, 453-462, 2015
Stochastic rainfall modeling at sub‐kilometer scale
L Benoit, D Allard, G Mariethoz
Water Resources Research 54 (6), 4108-4130, 2018
Simulating a geological lithofacies with respect to connectivity information using the truncated Gaussian model
D Allard
Geostatistical Simulations: Proceedings of the Geostatistical Simulation …, 1994
A stochastic daily weather generator for skewed data
C Flecher, P Naveau, D Allard, N Brisson
Water Resources Research 46 (7), 2010
Coupled effects of wind‐storms and drought on tree mortality across 115 forest stands from the Western Alps and the Jura mountains
K Csilléry, G Kunstler, B Courbaud, D Allard, P Lassègues, K Haslinger, ...
Global change biology 23 (12), 5092-5107, 2017
A method to estimate plant density and plant spacing heterogeneity: Application to wheat crops
S Liu, F Baret, D Allard, X Jin, B Andrieu, P Burger, M Hemmerlé, A Comar
Plant methods 13, 1-11, 2017
A flexible class of non-separable cross-covariance functions for multivariate space–time data
M Bourotte, D Allard, E Porcu
Spatial Statistics 18, 125-146, 2016
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مقاله‌ها 1–20