دنبال کردن
Tomás E. Murray
Tomás E. Murray
Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford, Ireland
ایمیل تأیید شده در epa.ie - صفحهٔ اصلی
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نقل شده توسط
Standard methods for maintaining adult Apis mellifera in cages under in vitro laboratory conditions
GR Williams, C Alaux, C Costa, T Csáki, V Doublet, D Eisenhardt, I Fries, ...
The COLOSS BEEBOOK 1, 10.3896/IBRA., 2013
Urban areas as hotspots for bees and pollination but not a panacea for all insects
P Theodorou, R Radzevičiūtė, G Lentendu, B Kahnt, M Husemann, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 576, 2020
Rarity and decline in bumblebees–a test of causes and correlates in the Irish fauna
Ú Fitzpatrick, TE Murray, RJ Paxton, J Breen, D Cotton, V Santorum, ...
Biological Conservation 136 (2), 185-194, 2007
Conservation ecology of bees: populations, species and communities
TE Murray, M Kuhlmann, SG Potts
Apidologie 40 (3), 2009
Cryptic species diversity in a widespread bumble bee complex revealed using mitochondrial DNA RFLPs
TE Murray, Ú Fitzpatrick, MJF Brown, RJ Paxton
Conservation Genetics 9 (3), 653-666, 2008
Pathogen prevalence in commercially reared bumble bees and evidence of spillover in conspecific populations
TE Murray, MF Coffey, E Kehoe, FG Horgan
Biological Conservation 159, 269-276, 2013
The structure of flower visitor networks in relation to pollination across an agricultural to urban gradient
P Theodorou, K Albig, R Radzevičiūtė, J Settele, O Schweiger, TE Murray, ...
Functional Ecology 31 (4), 838-847, 2017
Colour Patterns Do Not Diagnose Species: Quantitative Evaluation of a DNA Barcoded Cryptic Bumblebee Complex
JC Carolan, TE Murray, Ú Fitzpatrick, J Crossley, H Schmidt, B Cederberg, ...
PLoS ONE 7 (1), e29251, 2012
Pollination services enhanced with urbanization despite increasing pollinator parasitism
P Theodorou, R Radzevičiūtė, J Settele, O Schweiger, TE Murray, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1833), 20160561, 2016
Statistical guidelines for Apis mellifera research
CWW Pirk, JR de Miranda, M Kramer, TE Murray, F Nazzi, D Shutler, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 52 (4), 2013
Local‐scale factors structure wild bee communities in protected areas
TE Murray, U Fitzpatrick, A Byrne, R Fealy, MJF Brown, RJ Paxton
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (5), 998-1008, 2012
Landscape effects on extremely fragmented populations of a rare solitary bee, Colletes floralis
ES Davis, TE Murray, ÚNA Fitzpatrick, MJF Brown, RJ Paxton
Molecular Ecology 19 (22), 4922-4935, 2010
Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 May 2009–31 July 2009
GR Almany, MP De Arruda, W Arthofer, ZK Atallah, SR Beissinger, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (6), 1460-1466, 2009
The European Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2015
C Van Swaay, A Van Strien, K Aghababyan, S Astrom, M Botham, ...
De Vlinderstichting, 2016
Building on IUCN regional red lists to produce lists of species of conservation priority: a model with Irish bees
Conservation Biology 21 (5), 1324-1332, 2007
Sweat bees on hot chillies: provision of pollination services by native bees in traditional slash‐and‐burn agriculture in the Yucatán Peninsula of tropical Mexico
P Landaverde‐González, JJG Quezada‐Euán, P Theodorou, TE Murray, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2017
Integrating national Red Lists for prioritising conservation actions for European butterflies
D Maes, R Verovnik, M Wiemers, D Brosens, S Beshkov, S Bonelli, ...
Journal of Insect Conservation 23 (2), 301-330, 2019
The European Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species: 1990-2017: Technical report
CAM van Swaay, EB Dennis, R Schmucki, CG Sevilleja, M Balalaikins, ...
Butterfly Conservation Europe, 2019
Regional red list of Irish bees
Ú Fitzpatrick, TE Murray, AW Byrne, RJ Paxton, MJF Brown
National Parks and Wildlife Service (Ireland) and Environment and Heritage …, 2006
Genetic Variability of the Neogregarine Apicystis bombi, an Etiological Agent of an Emergent Bumblebee Disease
J Maharramov, I Meeus, K Maebe, M Arbetman, C Morales, P Graystock, ...
PLOS ONE 8 (12), e81475, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–20