دنبال کردن
Ryan D. Griffiths
Ryan D. Griffiths
ایمیل تأیید شده در syr.edu - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Age of secession: The international and domestic determinants of state birth
RD Griffiths
Cambridge University Press, 2016
Membership has its privileges: The changing benefits of statehood
TM Fazal, RD Griffiths
International Studies Review 16 (1), 79-106, 2014
Between dissolution and blood: How administrative lines and categories shape secessionist outcomes
RD Griffiths
International Organization 69 (3), 731-751, 2015
Does violent secessionism work?
RD Griffiths, LM Wasser
Journal of Conflict Resolution 63 (5), 1310-1336, 2019
Admission to the sovereignty club: The past, present, and future of the international recognition regime
RD Griffiths
Territorial Designs and International Politics, 44-56, 2018
Between Eurocentrism and Babel: A framework for the analysis of states, state systems, and international orders
CR Butcher, RD Griffiths
International Studies Quarterly 61 (2), 328-336, 2017
Secession and the invisible hand of the international system
R Griffiths
Review of International Studies 40 (3), 559-581, 2014
Between the sword and the wall: S pain's limited options for C atalan secessionism
RD Griffiths, P Guillen Alvarez, F Martinez i Coma
Nations and nationalism 21 (1), 43-61, 2015
Introducing the international system (s) dataset (ISD), 1816–2011
RD Griffiths, CR Butcher
International Interactions 39 (5), 748-768, 2013
Secession and the sovereignty game: Strategy and tactics for aspiring nations
RD Griffiths
Cornell University Press, 2021
Strategies of secession and counter-secession
RD Griffiths, D Muro
Ecpr Press, 2021
Secessionist strategy and tactical variation in the pursuit of independence
RD Griffiths
Journal of Global Security Studies 6 (1), ogz082, 2021
A State of One's Own: The Rise of Secession Since World War II
T Fazal, R Griffiths
Brown J. World Aff. 15, 199, 2008
States, nations, and territorial stability: Why Chinese hegemony would be better for international order
RD Griffiths
Security Studies 25 (3), 519-545, 2016
Local conditions and the demand for independence: A dataset of secessionist grievances
RD Griffiths, A Martinez
Nations and Nationalism 27 (2), 580-590, 2021
Alternative international systems? System structure and violent conflict in nineteenth-century West Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia
C Butcher, R Griffiths
Review of International Studies 41 (4), 715-737, 2015
States and their international relations since 1816: introducing version 2 of the International System (s) Dataset (ISD)
CR Butcher, RD Griffiths
International Interactions 46 (2), 291-308, 2020
The Waltzian ordering principle and international change: A two-dimensional model
RD Griffiths
European Journal of International Relations 24 (1), 130-152, 2018
Globalization and separatism: The influence of internal and external interdependence on the strategies of separatism
RD Griffiths, I Savić
The Nation in the Global Era: Conflict and Transformation, 319, 2009
The future of self-determination and territorial integrity in the Asian Century
R Griffiths
The Pacific Review 27 (3), 457-478, 2014
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مقاله‌ها 1–20