دنبال کردن
Indranil Roychoudhury
Indranil Roychoudhury
AI Scientist, Software Technology Innovation Center, Schlumberger
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نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Prognostics: The science of making predictions
K Goebel, MJ Daigle, A Saxena, I Roychoudhury, S Sankararaman, ...
Advanced diagnostics and prognostics testbed
S Poll, A Patterson-Hine, J Camisa, D Garcia, D Hall, C Lee, ...
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis …, 2007
Ensemble of optimized echo state networks for remaining useful life prediction
M Rigamonti, P Baraldi, E Zio, I Roychoudhury, K Goebel, S Poll
Neurocomputing 281, 121-138, 2018
A neural network filtering approach for similarity-based remaining useful life estimation
O Bektas, JA Jones, S Sankararaman, I Roychoudhury, K Goebel
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101, 87-103, 2019
A comprehensive diagnosis methodology for complex hybrid systems: A case study on spacecraft power distribution systems
MJ Daigle, I Roychoudhury, G Biswas, XD Koutsoukos, A Patterson-Hine, ...
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2010
Prognostic health-management system development for electromechanical actuators
E Balaban, A Saxena, S Narasimhan, I Roychoudhury, M Koopmans, ...
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 12 (3), 329-344, 2015
Designing Data-Driven Battery Prognostic Approaches for Variable Loading Profiles: Some Lessons Learned
A Saxena, JR Celaya, I Roychoudhury, S Saha, B Saha, K Goebel
European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2012
Designing distributed diagnosers for complex continuous systems
I Roychoudhury, G Biswas, X Koutsoukos
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 (2), 277-290, 2009
Efficient simulation of hybrid systems: A hybrid bond graph approach
I Roychoudhury, MJ Daigle, G Biswas, X Koutsoukos
Simulation 87 (6), 467-498, 2011
Combining model-based and feature-driven diagnosis approaches–a case study on electromechanical actuators
S Narasimhan, I Roychoudhury, E Balaban, A Saxena
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 2 (2), 2010
Airborne electro-mechanical actuator test stand for development of prognostic health management systems
E Balaban, A Saxena, S Narasimhan, I Roychoudhury, KF Goebel, ...
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 2 (1), 2010
Requirements Specifications for Prognostics: An Overview
A Saxena, I Roychoudhury, JR Celaya, S Saha, B Saha, K Goebel
AIAA Infotech@Aerospace, 2010
An event-based distributed diagnosis framework using structural model decomposition
A Bregon, M Daigle, I Roychoudhury, G Biswas, X Koutsoukos, B Pulido
Artificial Intelligence 210, 1-35, 2014
Echo state network for the remaining useful life prediction of a turbofan engine
M Rigamonti, P Baraldi, E Zio, I Roychoudhury, K Goebel, S Poll
PHM society European conference 3 (1), 2016
Experimental Validation of a Prognostic Health Management System for Electro-Mechanical Actuators
E Balaban, A Saxena, S Narasimhan, I Roychoudhury, K Goebel
AIAA Infotech@Aerospace, 2011
Distributed prognostics based on structural model decomposition
MJ Daigle, A Bregon, I Roychoudhury
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 63 (2), 495-510, 2014
Development of a mobile robot test platform and methods for validation of prognostics-enabled decision making algorithms
E Balaban, S Narasimhan, MJ Daigle, I Roychoudhury, A Sweet, C Bond, ...
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 4 (1), 2013
A Bayesian approach to efficient diagnosis of incipient faults
I Roychoudhury, G Biswas, X Koutsoukos
Proceedings of the 17th international workshop on principles of diagnosis …, 2006
Requirement Flowdown for Prognostics Health Management
A Saxena, I Roychoudhury, J Celaya, B Saha, S Saha, K Goebel
AIAA Infotech@Aerospace, 2012
A Distributed Approach to System-Level Prognostics
M Daigle, A Bregon, I Roychoudhury
Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2012
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20