دنبال کردن
Anna Stepanova
Anna Stepanova
ایمیل تأیید شده در tamu.edu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Deep Arctic Ocean warming during the last glacial cycle
TM Cronin, GS Dwyer, J Farmer, HA Bauch, RF Spielhagen, M Jakobsson, ...
Nature Geoscience 5 (9), 631-634, 2012
Glacial–interglacial variability in deep sea ostracod assemblage composition at IODP Site U1314 in the subpolar North Atlantic
CAA Zarikian, AY Stepanova, J Grützner
Marine Geology 258 (1-4), 69-87, 2009
Comparison study of the modern ostracod associations in the Kara and Laptev seas: Ecological aspects
A Stepanova, E Taldenkova, J Simstich, HA Bauch
Marine Micropaleontology 63 (3-4), 111-142, 2007
Late Pleistocene-Holocene and Recent Ostracoda of the Laptev Sea and their importance for paleoenvironmental reconstructions
AY Stepanova
Paleontological Journal 40 (Suppl 2), S91-S204, 2006
Last postglacial environmental evolution of the Laptev Sea shelf as reflected in molluscan, ostracodal, and foraminiferal faunas
E Taldenkova, HA Bauch, A Stepanova, S Dem'yankov, A Ovsepyan
Global and Planetary Change 48 (1-3), 223-251, 2005
Recent Ostracoda from the Laptev Sea (Arctic Siberia): species assemblages and some environmental relationships
A Stepanova, E Taldenkova, HA Bauch
Marine Micropaleontology 48 (1-2), 23-48, 2003
Stratigraphy of Late Cenozoic sediments of the western Chukchi Sea: New results from shallow drilling and seismic-reflection profiling
EA Gusev, IA Andreeva, NY Anikina, SA Bondarenko, LG Derevyanko, ...
Global and Planetary Change 68 (1-2), 115-131, 2009
An Arctic and Subarctic ostracode database: biogeographic and paleoceanographic applications
L Gemery, TM Cronin, WM Briggs, EM Brouwers, EI Schornikov, ...
Hydrobiologia 786, 59-95, 2017
Benthic and planktic community changes at the North Siberian margin in response to Atlantic water mass variability since last deglacial times
E Taldenkova, HA Bauch, A Stepanova, Y Ovsepyan, I Pogodina, ...
Marine Micropaleontology 96, 13-28, 2012
Postglacial to Holocene history of the Laptev Sea continental margin: Palaeoenvironmental implications of benthic assemblages
E Taldenkova, HA Bauch, A Stepanova, A Strezh, S Dem’yankov, ...
Quaternary International 183 (1), 40-60, 2008
Taxonomic revision of deep-sea Ostracoda from the Arctic Ocean
M Yasuhara, A Stepanova, H Okahashi, TM Cronin, EM Brouwers
Micropaleontology, 399-444, 2014
Reconstructing Holocene temperature and salinity variations in the western Baltic Sea region: a multi-proxy comparison from the Little Belt (IODP Expedition 347, Site M0059)
U Kotthoff, J Groeneveld, JL Ash, AS Fanget, N Quintana Krupinski, ...
Copernicus GmbH, 2017
Ostracod palaeoecology and environmental change in the L aptev and K ara seas (S iberian A rctic) during the last 18 000 years
A Stepanova, E Taldenkova, HA Bauch
Boreas 41 (4), 557-577, 2012
Ostracod species of the genus Cytheropteron from late Pleistocene-Holocene and recent sediments of the Laptev Sea (Arctic Siberia)
A Stepanova, E Taldenkova, HA Bauch
Revista Española de Micropaleontología 36 (1), 83-108, 2004
Recent Ostracoda of the Laptev Sea (Arctic Siberia): taxonomic composition and some environmental implications
A Stepanova, E Taldenkova, HA Bauch
Marine Micropaleontology 48 (1-2), 23-48, 2003
Hiring CS graduates: What we learned from employers
A Stepanova, A Weaver, J Lahey, G Alexander, T Hammond
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 22 (1), 1-20, 2021
Broadening the impact of plant science through innovative, integrative, and inclusive outreach
J Friesner, A Colón‐Carmona, AM Schnoes, A Stepanova, GA Mason, ...
Plant direct 5 (4), e00316, 2021
Environmental evolution of the southern Chukchi Sea in the Holocene
EA Gusev, NY Anikina, LG Derevyanko, TS Klyuvitkina, LV Polyak, ...
Oceanology 54, 465-477, 2014
Late Weichselian to Holocene history of the Baltic Sea as reflected in ostracod assemblages
A Stepanova, S Obrochta, NB Quintana Krupinski, O Hyttinen, ...
Boreas 48 (3), 761-778, 2019
Arctic quaternary ostracods and their use in paleoreconstructions
AY Stepanova, EE Taldenkova, HA Bauch
Paleontological Journal 44, 41-48, 2010
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مقاله‌ها 1–20