دنبال کردن
Benni Winding Hansen
Benni Winding Hansen
Professor Environmental Biology, Dep. Science and Environment, Roskilde University
ایمیل تأیید شده در ruc.dk
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نقل شده توسط
Food size spectra, ingestion and growth of the copepodAcartia tonsa during development: Implications for determination of copepod production
U Berggreen, B Hansen, T Kiørboe
Marine biology 99, 341-352, 1988
Zooplankton grazing and growth: Scaling within the 2‐2,‐μm body size range
PJ Hansen, PK Bjørnsen, BW Hansen
Limnology and oceanography 42 (4), 687-704, 1997
The size ratio between planktonic predators and their prey
B Hansen, PK Bjornsen, PJ Hansen
Limnology and oceanography 39 (2), 395-403, 1994
Seasonal variation in nutrients, pelagic primary production and grazing in a high-Arctic coastal marine ecosystem, Young Sound, Northeast Greenland
S Rysgaard, TG Nielsen, BW Hansen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 179, 13-25, 1999
Annual population development and production by Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus in Disko Bay, western Greenland
SD Madsen, TG Nielsen, BW Hansen
Marine Biology 139 (1), 75-93, 2001
On the trophic coupling between protists and copepods in arctic marine ecosystems
H Levinsen, JT Turner, TG Nielsen, BW Hansen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 204, 65-77, 2000
Status and recommendations on marine copepod cultivation for use as live feed
G Drillet, S Frouël, MH Sichlau, PM Jepsen, JK Højgaard, AK Joarder, ...
Aquaculture 315 (3-4), 155-166, 2011
Biochemical and technical observations supporting the use of copepods as live feed organisms in marine larviculture
G Drillet, NOG Jørgensen, TF Sørensen, H Ramløv, BW Hansen
Aquaculture Research 37 (8), 756-772, 2006
Plankton community structure and carbon cycling on the western coast of Greenland during and after the sedimentation of a diatom bloom
TG Nielsen, B Hansen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 125, 239-257, 1995
Zooplankton feeding ecology: grazing on phytoplankton and predation on protozoans by copepod and barnacle nauplii in Disko Bay, West Greenland
JT Turner, H Levinsen, TG Nielsen, BW Hansen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 221, 209-219, 2001
Perspectives on marine zooplankton lipids
G Kattner, W Hagen, RF Lee, R Campbell, D Deibel, S Falk-Petersen, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (11), 1628-1639, 2007
Bacteria associated with a marine planktonic copepod in culture. I. Bacterial genera in seawater, body surface, intestines and fecal pellets and succession during fecal pellet …
B Hansen, G Bech
Journal of Plankton Research 18 (2), 257-273, 1996
Effect of cold storage upon eggs of a calanoid copepod, Acartia tonsa (Dana) and their offspring
G Drillet, MH Iversen, TF Sørensen, H Ramløv, T Lund, BW Hansen
Aquaculture 254 (1-4), 714-729, 2006
Plankton dynamics in the marginal ice zone of the central Barents Sea during spring: carbon flow and structure of the grazer food chain
B Hansen, S Christiansen, G Pedersen
Polar Biology 16, 115-128, 1996
Impact of changing ice cover on pelagic productivity and food web structure in Disko Bay, West Greenland: a dynamic model approach
AS Hansen, TG Nielsen, H Levinsen, SD Madsen, TF Thingstad, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 50 (1), 171-187, 2003
Grazing, egg production, and biochemical evidence of differences in the life strategies of Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus in Disko Bay, western Greenland
R Swalethorp, S Kjellerup, M Dünweber, TG Nielsen, EF Møller, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 429, 125-144, 2011
Feeding, growth, and reproduction in the genus Calanus
RP Harris, X Irigoien, RN Head, C Rey, BH Hygum, BW Hansen, B Niehoff, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (6), 1708-1726, 2000
Plankton community structure and carbon cycling on the western coast of Greenland during the stratified summer situation. II. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates
H Levinsen, TG Nielsen, BW Hansen
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 16 (3), 217-232, 1999
Single-step nested multiplex PCR to differentiate between various bivalve larvae
JB Larsen, ME Frischer, LJ Rasmussen, BW Hansen
Marine Biology 146, 1119-1129, 2005
Changes in plankton and fish larvae communities across hydrographic fronts off West Greenland
P Munk, BW Hansen, TG Nielsen, HA Thomsen
Journal of Plankton Research 25 (7), 815-830, 2003
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مقاله‌ها 1–20